Page 9 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 9
Business Administration Sessions
102: Update on the SAIS to AzEDS 302: Current Year Funding Impacts
Transition This breakout session will present information
The Arizona Department of Education will give at- on the impacts of districts moving to current year
tendees an update on the Student Accountability In- funding for school districts and charter schools.
formation System (SAIS) transition to the new Ari- Presented By: Jill Barragan- Avondale Elementary
zona Education Data Standards system (AzEDS). School District & Jeremy Calles- Kyrene Elemen-
Attendees will learn about the project’s challenges, tary School District
solutions and timeline for completion.
Presented By: Mark T. Masterson- Arizona Depart-
ment of Education
402: Working With and for the District
Governing Board
This presentation will describe the Role, Function
202: Federal Compliance Update for Bonds and Authority of the district governing board. It
This session will include discussion of current top- will also provide techniques of responding to re-
ics and developments within the federal compliance quests from individual governing board members
arena for bonds, including new rules for Munici- and avoiding getting involved in board politics.
pal Advisors, EMMA continuing disclosure, IRS Presented By: Panfilo H. Contreras- PHC, Con-
compliance and more. The presentation team will sulting LLC
include a school business official, bond counsel and
arbitrage rebate agent that serves Arizona school
Presented By: Bryan Lundberg- Stifel, Nicolaus
& Company, Inc. & Tracy McLaughlin- Tolleson
Union High School District & Robin Schlimgen-
BLX Group, LLC & Bill DeHaan- Greenberg