Page 11 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 11
Facilities, Maintenance,
& Operations Sessions
104: The State of Water in Arizona Public 304: New and Updated Energy Saving
Schools Opportunities
State fall in terms of water management? How has There have been many new energy efficiencies de-
Arizona planned to maintain clean drinking water veloped in lighting and water that can save consid-
for its citizens for the next 10, 20, and 30 years? With erable dollars in operational costs. This presenta-
California and Texas in a near water crisis, can Ari- tion will present new and upgraded technologies
zona stand above the rest? Most importantly, what is that are available now.
the link K-12 schools have to water within the State Presented By: Panfilo H. Contreras- Midstate
of Arizona? Are there ways our schools can influence Mechanical & John Muir- Cave Creek Unified
the management on water, and, if so, what steps can School District
be taken to better preserve the precious resource? In
addition, what can we as a society do better to make
sure our children, grandchildren, and great-grand- 404: How to Get The Most From
children have enough water to endure the next cen- Custodial Services
tury? We take a deeper dive into water, in what is a
seemingly overlooked topic in many school districts This breakout session will you understand and
today. what to except from an eight hour custodian. We
Presented By: Rob Wax- Ameresco, Henry John- will talk about square footage expectations, re-
stone- GLHN Architects & Engineers, Inc. & Mike quired equipment, and best practices.
Fisher- Littleton Elementary School District Presented By: Laura Chapnek- Waxie Supply &
Mike Fisher- Littleton Elementary School District
204: Solar Performance & Rescue
How to evaluate solar and other electrical perfor-
mance contract investments. What can be done if
your investments have fallen short of expectations?
How this process is being implemented with the
Agua Fria Union High School District.
Presented By: Moderator, Ed Schaffer- Technol-
ogy Coordinators LLC & Travis Zander- Agua Fria
Union High School District & Usama Shami- APS
& Rick Romain- Technology Coordinators LLC &
Marty Jones, Sr.- Partner Gonzalez, Saggio & Har-
lan. GSH