Page 12 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 12
Human Resources & Payroll Sessions
105: Managing your Well-Being- For Yourself 305: Lookback Guidelines
and Your Staff We will discuss the Lookback Guidelines for vari-
If you want to live a good, healthy life, certain basic able hour and part time employees and substitutes.
requirements apply to everybody including nutrition, Presented By: Rob Brooks and Allison Wagner-
fitness, sleep, preventive care and balance/stress man- Capital Financial, PLC & Phil Tavasci- ESI
agement. We will review these topics and how attend-
ees can improve personal well-being. We will then
discuss how attendees can use this information to help
co-workers and staff improve their well-being. By the
time this session is over, attendees should be able to: 405: Introduction to Arizona Workers’
• Define and recognize benefits of wellness Compensation
• Identify basic requirements of a healthy life Workers’ Compensation 101: What is workers
• Know proper precautions to take to prevent ill- compensation, players involved and their respon-
ness sibilities, and procedures. Also benefits provided in
Have a plan for how to help their employees manage WC, what is not covered, and what is questionable.
well-being and how to determine the following: Presented By: Dawn Chambers- The Arizona
9 What employees want School Alliance for Workers’ Compensation, Inc.
9 What employees need
9 What will engage employees
9 What resources are available
9 Where to start
Presented By: Lisa Weston- Bagnall & Anna Carre-
on- Pinal County School Office ESA
205: Best Practices on Increasing 403b
We will split the participants into groups of 5 or so.
Each group will also have an additional 2 Financial Ad-
visors with them to serve as facilitators. April Young
will kick off the session with an overview of the pur-
pose of the workshop, which is to brainstorm on how
a School District can educate their employees on the
403b and 457b plans. The goal will be to collaborate as
a group and establish a “top 10” list of Best Practices on
how this can be achieved. My 403b- vendor colleagues
will help provide direction for each group so that we
cover all bases and angles on this sensitive and impor-
tant topic. After 15-20 minutes, April will debrief with
a conversation on how Districts can help keep the IRS
happy by paying attention to 403b education.
Presented By: Philip Kim- AXA Equitable, April
Young- TSA Consulting Group, Jim Bishopp -VOYA,
Robert Young- PlanMember, Adam Pearce- Legend
Group, Tim Whitney- Met Life, Brenda Henning-
Forrester’s Financial, Erica Gargol- LPL, Todd Sepp-
GWN and Michael Lager- VALIC