Page 13 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 13
Information Technology Sessions
106: Technology on a Dime 306: Business Intelligence: It’s How
In this presentation, Peter Hooper, the Director of Education Can “Power Up”
Technology for the Palominas Elementary School Better information results in better decisions. In
District, will talk about steps that his district has this session you will learn how Districts can use
taken to ensure that they are getting the most out Business Intelligence to improve academic perfor-
of their technology spending. He will discuss plan- mance, operational efficiency, and employee stis-
ning, infrastructure, and working with administra- faction. As more CFO’s and Business Managers
tion and the business office. Palominas is a small, crave these tools, it is imperative for IT Directors to
rural district located less than 5 miles north of the understand how easily they integrate with existing
Arizona/Sonora border. With limited funding, the systems. This session will showcase some of the
district has become a county leader in technology same tools purchased by AASBO to administer the
integration, high speed internet access, and provid- new Data Collection Project.
ing state-of-the-art technology resources and train- Presented By: Jeremy Calles- Kyrene School Dis-
ing to students and teachers. trict & Paul Grill- InfoSol Inc.
Presented By: Peter Hooper- Palominas Elemen-
tary School District
406: Surviving Technology in Public
206: Dispelling the Myths and Marketing of An overview of surviving 15 years in the Technol-
New WiFi Technology ogy Department at Chino Valley School District.
Latest changes in Wi-Fi standards and what these From my beginnings as a lowly support technician
mean for design and performance in K-12 Wireless to my current status as the Network Administrator
Security: Self-service device authentication and on and everything in between. I’ll talk about staffing
boarding. Overview of the latest WiFi standards, in our department, E-Rate and how it has aided
controversies and opportunities: 802.11ac -wave1/ our efforts...and hurt our efforts, web filtering phi-
wave2, 802.11ah (HaLow), Internet of Things (IoT), losophies, devices then and devices now, how we
Zigbee One-AP-Per-Classroom Architecture, changed to Google and the impact that had on the
Wireless (and wired) device security - BYOD on- District, how networking with larger Districts has
boarding and policy enforcement. aided us tremendously, finally making it big in the
Presented By: Mike Shepard - Agua Fria Union wireless arena, etc. 15 years has gone by too quick-
High School District & David Whitt - Rukus Wire- ly...
less. Presented By: Larry Fullmer- Chino Valley School