Page 15 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 15
Transportation & Professional
Development Sessions
Transportation Professional
108: Procurement Buying Buses or Leasing
Districts budgets are stretched to the limits, but we
still need to buy buses. Is leasing a good option? 109: AASBO College Degree Programs
Presented By: Bill Bauman- Baystone Financial & Learn about the exciting opportunities to achieve
Bert Herzog- Washington Elementary School Dis- Associates, Bachelors and/or Master degrees at re-
duced tuition rates through AASBO’s partnerships
with Central Arizona College and Ottawa Univer-
sity. A representative from Ottawa University will
208: Different Fuel Sources be available for questions.
Going Green? There are several alternative fuel Presented By: Jeffrey Gadd- AASBO & Leslie
sources CNG, Propane Etc. Which one is right for Montecuollo- Owatta University
Presented By: Eric Kissel- Laveen School District
308: PBIS/SPED in Transportation
One of the least talked about topics in student trans-
portation. Learn from people that make a difference
about ways to deal with special needs in your trans-
portation department.
Presented By: Lori Mora & Ginny Fish- Washing-
ton Elementary School District
408: Bus Video/ Recording Protecting the
It is going to happen one day. An angry parent is
going to call and accuse your district of doing some-
thing wrong. Learn how to protect your district.
One of the least talked about topics in student trans-
portation. Learn from people that make a difference
about ways to deal with special needs in your trans-
portation department.
Presented By: Malinda Sandu- Seon & Bert Her-
zog- Washington Elementary School District