Page 19 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 19

Pre-Conference Agenda

                                    Information Technology

            Wednesday, April 6, 2016

                                                                                    2:00 PM
          Mohave Community College,                              501P: Group Policy Best Practices

               Bullhead City, Arizona                            Active Directory Group Policies are an important
                                                                 and  valuable  management  tool  for  IT  Depart-
                                                                 ments.   During this presentation, we will discuss
                                                                 best  practices  for  Active  Directory  Design,  do  a
                         Continued...                            deep dive on GPO do’s and don’ts, and demon-
                                                                 strate some proven techniques for managing your
                                                                 District’s workstations, students, teachers, and ad-
                           12:15 PM                              ministration.
                              Lunch                              Presented By: Justin Herrera & Garrett Godoy-
                                                                 Mesa Public Schools & Stephen Ashworth- Ash-
                                                                 con LLC

                            1:00 PM

        401P: Free isn’t Free-Cloud Overview
        Holistic view of the Cloud including methodology,
        understanding  the  multiple  “as-a-service”  models,
        best  practices  when  adopting  and  implementing
        cloud solutions, risks that may be associated, the fi-
        nancial aspect, and answering questions around se-
        Presented By: Jeromy Siebernaler- Cloud

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