Page 16 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 16

Pre-Conference Agenda

                         Facilities, Maintenance & Operations

                                                                                   10:10 AM
            Wednesday, April 6, 2016                             102P- The Next Generation of Roof

         Aquarius Hotel & Conference                             An  overview  of  new  roof  maintenance  methods
                                                                 and programs; Including programs that grant the
             Center, Laughlin, Nevada                            facility  manager  the  ability  to  automatically  dis-
                                                                 patch word orders, access to real time updates, and
                                                                 access to facility inspections and completed work
                                                                 order information.
                            8:00 AM                              Presented By: Ryan McCutchan- Progressive

                          Registration                           Roofing & John Muir- Cave Creek Unified School
                    Continental Breakfast

                                                                                    11:10 AM
                            9:00 AM                              202P: Helping Schools Save Energy
             Welcome and Keynote Address:                                   Dollars: How Changing Behavior

                                                                            Can Reduce Energy Consumption
        WTF Where’s the FUNDS                                    Successful  energy  programs  get  people  on-board
        WTF?  Has  become  an  acronym  for  our  daily  life    and inspire them to join the cause. This presenta-
        in the arena of School Business. Come to the Key-        tion will discuss an Arizona K-12 district case study
        note Presentation as we climb into the Ring and go       of energy savings through monthly reporting, be-
        Round-by-Round to get the answers to the dreaded         havior and curriculum implementation. Involving
        question….Where’s the FUNDS. The session will            a variety of stakeholders is key to helping a district
        be the ultimate ‘Rage in the Cage’ hitting topics in     save energy dollars- an energy plan must work from
        School  Maintenance,  Transportation,  and  Opera-       the top-down and bottom-up. Participants on this
        tions while countering with solutions in each round      panel will give insight into working with district ad-
        leading up to the knock-out punch! You won’t want        ministration to develop district-wide energy strate-
        to miss this Championship Battle that will give you      gies, as well as working with teachers to implement
        the tools to take home the Prize.                        a  ‘Train  the  Trainer’  model  to  motivate  energy
        Presented By: David Peterson- McCarthy Building          behavior change in the classroom.  Through cur-
        Companies                                                riculum and behavior change, school Green Team
                                                                 participation, and monthly energy progress webi-
                                                                 nars, districts can significantly reduce their energy
                                                                 usage, equating to financial savings over time.
                                                                 Presented By: Laurel Kruke & Sue Pierce- Pierce

                           10:00 AM                              Energy  Planning,  Riley  Frei  &  Benje  Hookstra-
                                                                 Bullhead City Elementary School District
           Refreshment Break & Networking                             Continued on Next Page...

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