Page 20 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 20
Pre-Conference Agenda
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 10:10 AM
Aquarius Hotel & Conference 103P- Crisis in Transportation Bus
Center, Laughlin, Nevada Accidents/Reporting
Please join us for a look at when accidents happen.
Be prepared for what will happen before you are
in the heat of battle. How to get your department
8:00 AM ready for the inevitable.
Registration Presented By: Shanna Bailey- The Trust & Ernie
Meza- Deer Valley Unified School District
Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote Address: 12:00 PM
WTF Where’s the FUNDS
WTF? Has become an acronym for our daily life
in the arena of School Business. Come to the Key-
note Presentation as we climb into the Ring and go
Round-by-Round to get the answers to the dreaded 1:50 PM
question….Where’s the FUNDS. The session will PART 2
be the ultimate ‘Rage in the Cage’ hitting topics in
School Maintenance, Transportation, and Opera- 103P- Crisis in Transportation Bus
tions while countering with solutions in each round Accidents/Reporting
leading up to the knock-out punch! You won’t want Please join us for a look at when accidents happen.
to miss this Championship Battle that will give you Be prepared for what will happen before you are
the tools to take home the Prize. in the heat of battle. How to get your department
Presented By: David Peterson- McCarthy Building ready for the inevitable.
Companies Presented By: Shanna Bailey- The Trust & Ernie
Meza- Deer Valley Unified School District
10:00 AM
Refreshment Break & Networking