Page 17 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 17
Pre-Conference Agenda
Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 1:50 PM
402P- Cave Creek Unified School District
Aquarius Hotel & Conference Case Study-Operational Efficiencies
Can Put Money Back in the
Center, Laughlin, Nevada Classroom
Update of the ongoing case study at Cave Creek
Unified School District in the Custodial program
to identify and quantify operational efficiencies,
streamline the program and improve the quality of
Continued... the program, school appearance and sustainability,
while still reducing expenses.
Presented By: Susan Ricks- Canon Holdings Inc.
12:00 PM dba Facilities by Design & John Muir- Cave Creek
Lunch Unified School District
2:50 PM
12:50 PM 502P- HVAC Tune-up and How to get
302P- Roof Asset Inventory, Management, your Utility Company to pay for.
Tracking, Quality Assurance and Several Utilities provide rebates for performing a
Project Management tune-up on your AC equipment. Information to
understand how these programs work and what the
Means and methods for assessing, evaluating and in- District’s need to be aware of.
ventory of roofs, related roof penetrations,and walls Presented By: Chuck Hink- Pueblo Mechanical &
that may allow water entry into structures. Track- Controls & David Morales- Pendergast Elemen-
ing work history and warranties. Roof maintenance tary School District
programs with cad of individual roof sections. Pro-
viding quality assurance during construction and
Presented By: Jerry Brown- Western Roof Evalua-
tion Corporation