Page 18 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 18
Pre-Conference Agenda
Information Technology
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 9:45 AM
201P: What’s Your WIG?
What is your Wildly Important Goal (WIG)? Our
job is to make powerful positive changes to student
Mohave Community College, learning and achievement, NOT just keep things
Bullhead City, Arizona going. How do you forward think and prepare for
50,000+ additional student devices on your net-
work? How do you assure resources for students
and staff so that they can make the most of online
8:00 AM curricular resources, online assessment tools, on-
Registration line collaboration systems and prepare for evolving
educational technology demands?
Continental Breakfast Presented By: David Sanders- Mesa Public
8:30 AM
Welcome & Introduction 10:30 AM
Refreshment Break & Networking
8:45 AM
101P: Sun Cooridor Network 10:45 AM
Sun Corridor Network, Arizona’s exclusive connec- 301P: The Power of BI
tor of Internet2 taps into a high-speed, nationwide
network of universities, K-12 schools, libraries, mu- Big Data is our new reality in IT, as information
seums, and science centers for research and edu- has increased exponentially both in sources and
cational purposes. Learn how Arizona’s education volume. Fortunately, there are some new tools
community can leverage the Sun Corridor Network available to help us analyze and visualize all of that
to: Bring real-world, interactive and engaging learn- data. During this presentation, we will demon-
ing opportunities right into the classroom. Explore strate how you can use tools like Microsoft’s Sys-
new possibilities for teaching and learning though tem Center Configuration Manager, Power Bi and
collaborations with other member institutions. Dis- Tableau to gain insight into your organization’s
cover how national educational institutions are us- technology infrastructure.
ing high speed networks to provide virtual learning Presented By: Stephen Ashworth- Ashcon LLC
experiences. Enhance educational opportunities and
outcomes for Arizona students.
Presented By: Michael Sherman-Sun Corridor Continued on Next Page...