Page 14 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 14
Purchasing Sessions
107: Conflict of Interest and Ethics 307: Writing and Evaluating an RFI
This presentation will be an overview of Conflict Do you need to prepare an RFP but not sure how
of Interest and Ethics as applicable with ARS 38- to approach it? Don’t have all the expertise or spec-
501 through 511. Conflict of Interest can fall within ifications, yet? Learn to utilize your local resources
three categories: 1. Is it legal? 2. Is it ethical?, and 3. and consider an RFI to accomplish this task of ob-
It may be legal and ethical, but does is demonstrate taining the proper specifications! The investment
Professional Competence? Join us for an interactive will surely help you to realize everything needing
discussion with specific scenarios that will help you to be considered!
recognize Conflict of Interest as it can occur within Presented By: Gary Barkman- Mesa Public
school districts. Schools & Bill Munch- Valley Schools
Presented By: Lila McCleery & Joe Motola- Phoe-
nix Union High School District
407: Tools for General Fixed Assets
207: Dealing with Customer Agreements in Reconciliation (Infinite Visions Users)
Bids and Proposals This presentation will cover the basics of annual
We all have encountered customer, sales, mainte- reconciliation specific to general fixed assets, why
it is important and implementing a Microsoft Ex-
nance, lease or some other type of agreement that cel file to perform reconciliation accurately and ex-
vendors require when using their services. This peditiously while conforming to the requirements
session will be a panel discussion, where we can all of the USFR. The recently developed file features
share tips, tricks and examples of what has worked
for your agency in the past when dealing with these macros features as well as database functions.
This innovative tool can be helpful for those with
troublesome agreements. all levels of familiarity with Excel and Visions. A
Presented By: Mark DiBlasi- Mohave Educational handout will be distributed with the presentation
Services Cooperative Inc., Gary Barkman- Mesa to follow along. As the file is digital, a version will
Public Schools, & Nancy Cobaugh- Mohave Edu-
cational Services Cooperative Inc. & Lila Mc- be displayed for the presentation and distributed
digitally to those who request it.
Cleery- Phoenix Union High School District
Presented By: Joseph Leon- Phoenix Elementary
School District