Page 10 - 2016 Spring Conference
P. 10

Vendor Sessions

        103: Drone (UAV) uses in School Districts                303: Custodial Labor-Cost Analysis and
        Discuss  and  demonstrate  the  use  of  Drones  Un-             Management
        manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) uses in School Dis-          Cleaner Schools through better knowledge:
        tricts. We will discuss how a District can use a Drone     •  Cleaning Cost Analysis
        to do Maintenance Surveys, inspect buildings, roofs,       •  Evaluate Cleaning Processes
        gutters, AC, and solar panels on a campus. How the         •  Implement Standardized Products and Pro-
        Drone can perform these functions efficiently in a             cesses
        quick safe manner without climbing a ladder. How           •  Generate Critical Reports
        to use a Drones for Emergency response mapping,            •  Assign and Balance Work Loads
        Building and Land cover mapping and Surveying.             •  Proper Scheduling of Custodial Personnel
        Uses  in  Construction  /  Pre-construction  Virtual       •  Monitor and Assess Quality
        view from new construction (Vantage Point) Con-          Presented By: Jim Moore- Hillyard & Deer Valley
        struction  Planning  –  Identify  potential  issues  and   Unified School District
        Construction Progress Monitoring.
        Do  a  hands  on  demonstration.    Flying  the  drone
        over  the  campus  at  the  conference  site.  Showing
        how easy they are to use and the Drone’s ability.
        Presented  By:  Nathaniel  Hawkins-  Roosevelt  El-      403: Closing the Perception Gap - Using
        ementary School District 66                                      Data to Tell Your Story
                                                                 There is often a perception gap between what you
                                                                 do and what your stakeholders think you do.  Join
                                                                 us to learn how to be proactive and narrow that
                                                                 perception gap by leveraging key performance in-
        203: Doing it Right-Utilizing the Right                  dicators, called KPI’s, and industry benchmarks to
                Coating for the Right Application                highlight your institution’s successes and discover
        Make sure your district is using the correct coating     opportunities for improvement.
        when painting or sealing your building. Don’t spend
        countless hours and money doing it wrong.                In this session we’ll explore:
        Presented By: KC Totlis- Riddle Painting & David           •  The  importance  of  operational  KPI’s  and
        Morales- Pendergast Elementary School District                 what they mean to your institution
                                                                   •  KPIs  for  maintenance,  preventive  mainte-
                                                                       nance,  inventory,  facility  use,  energy,  tech-
                                                                       nology and transportation
                                                                   •  How  to  compare  your  operations  perfor-
                                                                       mance to your peers
                                                                   •  What  reports,  graphs,  charts,  comparative
                                                                       maps, and trends top performing schools use
                                                                       on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to make
                                                                       sure they are achieving their goals.
                                                                 Presented By: Sam Zippin - SchoolDude

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