Page 30 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 30

Here Are Ways to Save on Cyber Liability Coverage


        Cybersecurity  &  Infrastructure  and  Security  vulnerability scans; a group purchasing program
        Agency  provide  security  resources  specifically  for  MFA  services;  and  guidance,  answers  to
        designed for schools.                                   questions, implementation help, etc.

        Closer  to  home,  the  Arizona  Department  of  Wherever you are in your cybersecurity journey,
        Homeland Security’s Cyber Readiness Grant  rest assured that improving your cyber posture is
        Program can help Arizona K–12 school districts  worth  the  investment.  Taking  measures  like  the
        with funding for the following:                         ones described above will absolutely make your
                                                                district safer from bad actors in the cyberworld.
           • Anti-phishing training                             What’s more, it will make you a more attractive
           • Advanced endpoint protection                       risk  for  the  cyber  liability  insurance  market.  In
           • Multi-factor authentication                        fact, without taking heightened security measures,
           • A web application firewall                         finding cyber insurance may simply be impossible
                                                                in the coming years.
        Additionally, the Arizona School Risk Retention
        Trust  (the  Trust)  also  provides  school  district  If you have questions about cybersecurity or would
        members with cybersecurity programs and  like to discuss the content of this article, please contact
        resources, including free phishing trainings and  the Trust cyber team at

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