Page 25 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 25

New Demands, New Options for School Districts Seeking E-rate Funds


        the  E-rate  “Special  Construction”  program.  For more information about how to  navigate the
        This  program,  enacted  as  a  part  of  E-rate  complex world of E-rate funding, please contact
        modernization  in  2014,  specifically  seeks  to  the  Arizona  Department  of  Education’s  E-rate
        incentivize  the  build  out  of  competitive  fiber  program.
        infrastructure.  Where there is competition, it is
        observed that monthly recurring costs decrease,

        while bandwidth and network capacity increases.  Milan Eaton is the E-rate Director for the Arizona
        The Special Construction program also enjoys the  Department of Education.
        potential for additional federal matching dollars
        if the state has money available to contribute to  John B. Kelly is a government relations consultant
        the project.  The E-rate program will provide up  for  TRIADVOCATES  and  the  former  State  Chief
        to an additional 10% match of any state funding  Information Officer.
        for fiber Special Construction.

        Some school districts are reluctant to take on                                                        CLEAN,
                                                                                                             SAFE, AND
        the task of Special Construction because they                        MAKING THE                     DISTRACTION
        perceive there would be additional cost and                         CAFETERIA THE                      FREE
                                                                           HAPPIEST PLACE                  ENVIRONMENTS
        complexity of building out their own dedicated                       IN SCHOOL                  SAFE, AND
                                                                                                            TO ENHANCE
        network.    But  those  districts  that  do  include                    MAKING THE             DISTRACTION
                                                                               CAFETERIA THE              FREE  LEARNING
        Special Construction as an option in their RFP’s                       HAPPIEST PLACE          ENVIRONMENTS
                                                                                IN SCHOOL              TO ENHANCE
        will learn that vendors have developed creative                                                 STUDENT
        options and business models to make that
        option much easier to implement.  Much like a
        “managed service” model, the vendor is directly
        accountable to the district for service quality and
        capacity.  Plus, under Special Construction rules,
                                                                           Your K12 dream team for dining
        E-rate pays for a percentage of the build costs up            Your K12 dream team for dining
                                                                         services and facilities management
        front.                                                      services and facilities management

        The bottom line is that districts can be
        sophisticated buyers in the E-rate Category One
        marketplace.  By including Special Construction                                                CUSTOMIZED
                                                                                 FUN AND                 FACILITY
        options in the competitive bidding process,                             INNOVATIVE              PROGRAMS
                                                                                PROGRAMS                BASED ON
        districts  will be  open  to  more  responses,  more                                           CLIENT NEEDS
                                                                              FUN AND                         FACILITY
        ideas and more options.  And, as many districts
                                                                             INNOVATIVE                      PROGRAMS
        have learned, whether they utilize leased lines or                   PROGRAMS                        BASED ON
                                                                                                            CLIENT NEEDS
        dedicated lines, the enhanced competition will
                                                                            Cherryl Paul           Nikki Crider
                                                                  For more
        benefit your bottom line.                                information   Chartwells Regional Sales Director  SSC Regional Sales Director
                                                                  please    e.  e.
                                                                  contact:  c. 623.293.0671        c. 480.861.6109
                                                                        Cherryl Paul                  Nikki Crider
                                                          For more                                               25
                                                         information    Chartwells Regional Sales Director  SSC Regional Sales Director
                                                          please        e.  e.
                                                          contact:      c. 623.293.0671               c. 480.861.6109
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