Page 21 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 21
Ex-NASCAR Crew Chief Larry McReynolds Tells How to Win
He cited this quote from another NASCAR crew the wrong road – it’s not going to work,” he said.
chief, Gary Nelson, who said: “There is no one When he was a crew chief, initially if something
smarter than all of us working together.” went wrong there was a tendency to want to know
whose fault it was. But McReynolds said he
Even if you’re the smartest person in the room, adopted a philosophy of asking: “What can we do
just think how much more you can accomplish as a group to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
with a team, McReynolds said. Don’t try to make Don’t blame anyone. Fix the system.”
everybody happy, just make the person you’re
working for happy, he said. When someone on your team does a good job,
reward them based on their contribution, even if
“No matter what you do in life – driving a school it’s just a pat on the back. “We love that pat on the
bus or working in the cafeteria – it’s all about back,” McReynolds said. “It’s amazing how far
the people,” McReynolds said. “The difference that pat on the back will go.”
between winning and losing is the people.
Sometimes egos get too big. People lose sight of He also told AASBO members not to be afraid of
working together. The more success you have, the change, doing things differently. “Think outside
bigger that ego can become a problem.” the box,” he said. “Leaders aren’t afraid of change.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
“No matter what you do in life – again and expecting a better result. It’s not going
to happen. Change is an opportunity for growth.
driving a school bus or working When you acknowledge a problem, you can fix it.
in the cafeteria – it’s all about the When you don’t acknowledge a problem, that’s
people. The difference between when it becomes a detriment.”
winning and losing is the people.”
Other pieces of advice from McReynolds: Focus
Larry McReynolds on things you can control, not on the past. Set
realistic goals. Don’t hold a grudge. Work smart,
not hard. “Measure twice and cut once,” he said.
McReynolds called conversation the most “Measure once and cut twice – that’s not very
important word in the English language. Many productive.”
relationships fail because of bad communication or
a lack of communication, McReynolds said. “Bad Larry McReynolds can be reached at:
communication is worse than no communication,”
he said. “It gets to the point of telling someone
what they want to hear.”
He also cautioned against assuming someone
knows how to do something. “You’re going down