Page 16 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 16

Your Student Loan May Be Eligible for Forgiveness

        to be viable. You need to work ten years with an        forgiven  with  just  a  little  more  work,”  she  said,
        eligible public service employer, and you don’t need    adding that you cannot do both loan forgiveness
        ten consecutive years of service.                       programs simultaneously.

        Ewald  also  outlined  details  of  the  Teacher  Loan   Under  Public  Service  Loan  Forgiveness,  it’s
        Forgiveness  program,  which  is  only  for  teachers   the employer, not the position, that determines
        employed in a Title One school for five consecutive     eligibility, whether the employee is a janitor or
        years.  The  maximum  amount  of  loan  forgiveness     an  administrator,  Ewald  explained.  “Any  amount
        is  $5,000  for  elementary  and  secondary  school     can be forgiven,” she said. “You just heard about
        teachers, with a maximum of $17,500 for specialists     $142,000 being forgiven.”
        in special education, math and science. Loans prior
        to October 1, 1998, don’t qualify for forgiveness.      Parent Plus loans – unsubsidized loans to parents of
        To  qualify  for  the  teacher  program,  Ewald  said,   dependent undergraduate students – can qualify, but
        “You must be a teacher and have a classroom full        the loans must be in the public service parent’s name.
        of kiddoes.” Unless you have small loan balances,
        AASBO members should go straight to the PSLF            The  Federal  Family  Education  Loan  program,
        program because “you can get the entire balance         which  ended  in  2010,  worked  with  private  lenders

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        16                                                                                  THE EDGE   FALL 2022
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