Page 14 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 14


                                                                                 Lanaya Ewald
        Your Student Loan May Be Eligible for Forgiveness

        AASBO  members  still  struggling  to  pay  off  their  She said $7.9 billion has been forgiven since 2017.
        student loans have a reason to smile, thanks to
        federal loan forgiveness programs that many school  The  Covid  19  waiver,  signed  in  March  2020  by
        employees apparently do not know about.                 President Trump, provides that $1 trillion is currently
                                                                in loan forbearance,  meaning no payments have
        An  expert  in  the  field  provided  a  step-by-step  been required and continue to be deferred through
        explanation  of  the  requirements  of  each  program  December 31, 2022.
        and how AASBO members can possibly have their
        remaining  student  loan  balance  wiped  out.  Even  Recently announced under the Biden administration
        before  Lanaya  Ewald,  with  Equitable,  a  financial  is an additional forgiveness opportunity for all
        services company, began a breakout session at the  borrowers, regardless of employment. It forgives up
        AASBO Summer Conference and Expo, a member  to $10,000 or $20,000, depending on certain factors.
        of the audience offered his own success story.          Ewald explained that the $10,000 is for everyone,
                                                                even if loans are currently in default. If a borrower
        Quentin  Boyce,  Superintendent  of  Roosevelt
        School  District,  told  how  he  woke  up  his  entire
        family when he received notice that his student loan
        had zero balance – $142,000 had been forgiven. “It
        was liberating,” said Boyce, who had been certified
        in  the  PSLF  (Public  Service  Loan  Forgiveness)

        Ewald  advised  AASBO  members  there  is  only
        one source to get the information on the loan
        forgiveness  programs  –  the  U.S.  Department  of
        Education. “Don’t go to Google or Wikipedia,” she
        said. She asked how many in the audience still had
        outstanding student loans. Several hands went up.

        “This  is  scary,”  Ewald  said.  “There  is  over  $1.7
        trillion in student loan debt. Of that, $110.5 billion
        is  in  default.  Payments  stopped  and  they’re  in
        collections. There are 45 million borrowers, and of
        that, those in the public service sector don’t even
        know forgiveness programs exist.”

        14                                                                                  THE EDGE   FALL 2022
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