Page 9 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 9

Our Initial Leadership Institute Event
        Provided Pathways to Success


        in various industries to determine why some leaped
        into excellence and others failed to do so. There are
        timeless principles involved in going from good to
                                                                 Health Care
        One  of  my  favorite  topics  is  the  art  of  ethical             for
        based on a defined set of values such as laws and  Educators
        leadership, which involves making sound decisions

        policies,  fairness and  respect,  and  true  regard      Strong, comprehensive health care
        for  others.  Without  a  conscious  effort  for  ethical     that fits your school's budget
        leadership, it is very easy for a leader to fall victim to
        destructive instincts or bad habits that could lead to   What if you could offer...
        unethical behavior and even ethical collapse.             The richest benefit plans for Arizona schools.
                                                                  A one-stop shop for all your employee health care

        One of my favorite quotes about leadership is from          needs, including:
        John Maxwell, author, speaker and pastor, who said:         – Medical/prescription.  – Life.
                                                                                            – EAP.
                                                                    – Wellness program.
        "Being a great leader is all about having a genuine         – Dental.               – COBRA.
        willingness and a true commitment to lead others to         – Vision.
        achieve a common vision and goals through positive        Innovative member programs, including:
        influence. No leader can ever achieve anything great        – Teladoc .             – Hinge Health.
        or long-lasting all alone. Just because someone has         – SkinIO .
        the title of leader doesn't mean they are a leader. The    The strongest national provider network available in
        greatest reflection on a leader being a true leader is      Arizona, which may include access to the
                                                                    Banner|Aetna network. This program provides efficient
        whether or not they are influencing anyone. And, of         and effective patient care at a more affordable cost.
        course, the first place you'll see that is in the leader's   Together, we’re transforming health care in Arizona!
        people. An organization is only as great as its people.                                                       ...with ASBAIT, you can!
        If the people aren't following, the leader isn't leading.   At ASBAIT, we're helping Arizona educators and their
        Too often, leaders focus on the bottom-line financial    families to live healthier lives.
        results instead  of growing their  people  and the       Need more information?
                                                                 Chuck Nelson
        That’s just  a snapshot of what  we learned  at  the     ASBAIT Sales Executive
        inaugural AASBO/Trust Leadership Institute. Those        Meritain Health ®
                                                                                                     PH O O OE E E E E E E E E E E N N N N N N N N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
        who attended are already registered for the June
        2023 Leadership Academy. You can expect to receive       1.480.688.3284
        reminders next year as the date draws near. If you                                                TUCSON N
                                                                                                A A ASBAIT Trustees es
        haven’t saved the date yet, please be sure to mark                                      ASBAIT Schools l
        June 13–16 on your calendar. I hope to see even more               Visit     |   @asbaithealth  |  asbait
        AASBO members at the next Leadership event.               | © 2022–2023 Meritain Health, Inc.
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