Page 4 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 4
So, where did everyone go?
Dale Ponder
We’ve all experienced it. Shopping in stores with Commerce is suggesting a change from the term of
shelves that are little barer, less frequent refresh The Great Recession to “The Great Reshuffle.” This
of hotel rooms, two-day Prime shipping from is mostly caused by people leaving one job for what
Amazon may not actually arrive in two days, or they consider to be a better or advanced opportunity,
Jimmy John’s Sandwiches unexpectedly closing so the net change, overall, is neutral.
with a sign taped on the door reading, “Sorry! Had
to close early. Not enough workers!” Did the Blip So, where did everyone go?
happen where Thanos snapped his fingers and half
of our population was gone? Some studies show that birth rates aren’t as high as they
once were, and we haven’t fully recovered from the Great
So, where did everyone go? Recession of 2008. Others believe that it’s the aging
workforce and the pandemic was an accelerant to what
In late September, I had the opportunity to attend a was already becoming a tighter labor market, even before
national leadership conference where there was a great Covid-19. In 2019, the labor shortage was expected to
deal of emphasis placed on recruitment and retention of gradually decline instead of the rapid fall we have recently
staff, “grow your own” programs, and other leadership experienced. At the top end, many baby boomers were
development strategies. The conference attendance seeking retirement.
was represented by employers from oil and gas
refineries, a variety of retail spaces, medical facilities, As of October 2021, the pandemic drove more than 3
large and small municipalities, other school districts, million adults into early retirement. The number of adults
cosmetic and beauty companies, and manufacturers of at age 55 and older exiting the labor force due to retirement
construction materials, to name a few. From discussions grew from 48.1% in 2019 to 50.3% in 2021. During the
with others attending that leadership conference, I pandemic, I was looking at my Arizona State Retirement
quickly learned that regardless of the industry or state, System statement at least twice a day, so I understand this
Arizona’s schools are not alone in that we’re all still one. Needless to say, I’m still working so the numbers did
facing the same challenges – finding people. not provide favorable results. This movement caused the
labor market to become more advantageous to existing
So, where did everyone go? workers where they could apply their experience to the
vacated positions for an improved opportunity.
In a report published in September 2022, the
US Chamber of Commerce states that, in 2021, So, where did everyone go?
more than 47 million workers quit their jobs to
search for improved work-life balance, increased When surveyed, nearly one in three women indicated
compensation, and a stronger company culture. the need to remain at home to care for children or
Because hiring rates have outpaced resignation other family members who were impacted by the
rates since November 2020, the US Chamber of pandemic and unable to return to the workforce. The