Page 5 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 5

US Chamber of Commerce reports that women are           prepared to enter. There are just fewer workers.
        participating  in the work force at the lowest rates    The US Chamber of Commerce reports that, as
        since the 1970s. In the spring of 2020, 3.5 million     of August 2022, if every unemployed person in
        mothers left their job, reducing the participation rate   the country became employed today, we would
        for working moms from around 70% to 55%. They           still have 5 million open jobs. They add that we
        indicate  that  this number is improving  but has not   have more than 3 million fewer Americans in the
        fully recovered. More than a quarter of men surveyed    workforce today compared to February of 2020.
        said  that  the  industry  was still  suffering,  and  they   Others have returned to school, found the need
        were not ready to return. In addition to these factors,   to remain at home to care for their family, or
        some  are  more  focused  on  learning  new  skills  and   shuffled from one open position to another.
        obtaining an education before re-entering the market.
        Others  left  work  to  open  their  own  business.  Over   In five years, perhaps, like in the Marvel universe,
        the past two years, nearly 10 million new business      everyone will return.
        applications were filed and in 2020 alone more than 4
        million new businesses were started.                    ___________________________________
                                                                Dale Ponder serves as President on the  AASBO Board of
        So, where did everyone go?                              Directors and as the Chief of Finance & Operations for Crane
                                                                Elementary School District in Yuma
        Well, it seems that more people are leaving, or
        have left, the workforce than who are ready and

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