Page 22 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 22
New Demands, New Options for
School Districts Seeking E-rate Funds
Milan Eaton John B. Kelly
Most of us were educated in schools with frayed But as schools and libraries have enhanced
textbooks and wrinkled worksheets. Today’s their connective capacity, the demands on those
schools and classrooms are transitioning to connections have only increased. Dramatically.
digital content libraries and data marts. This Internet bandwidth demand continues to increase
transition has been coming for a long time, but 50% per year, based on “Nielsen’s Law of Internet
hit an unexpected inflection point in March 2020. Bandwidth”. The Covid-19 experience has
As we emerge into this new reality, our school accelerated the comprehension of the importance
leaders and business officials are confronting of deploying technology for learning. That’s why
new questions, but also new opportunities. the AZ Department of Education has stood up the
Office of Digital Teaching and Learning (ODTL).
Since the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Education Technology relies on resilient, high-
Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal capacity networks to function effectively. As
Service Fund, also known as “E-rate”, has played school districts consider their next steps with
a vital role in the deployment of communications E-rate, leaders and business officials need to
technology to community “anchor” institutions. ensure that their information and approach is
The federal government directs over $2.5B per year up-to-date, and that you carefully consider and
in discounts and subsidies for Internet Services, execute your next steps.
Wide Area Networks, and equipment related to
broadband communications through competitive Getting Ready: The next funding year for E-rate
and complex processes. In 2017, Arizona stepped starts July 1, 2023. So school leaders have to work
up its game by establishing its own state matching NOW to ensure their competitive bids and discount
fund, through a collaboration with the Governor, applications are in place prior to that date. These
the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the steps take time, planning and attention to detail.
Arizona Corporation Commission. Since that Schools are recommended to aim for at least
collaboration, Arizona’s share of federal E-rate 4.1Mbps per student for the upcoming funding
funding has increased considerably. window. E-rate funds Category One and Category
Two services. Category One is for
Erate Funding connection to the building (Internet
$120,000,000 and WAN), and Category Two is for
connection throughout the building.
For the purposes of this article, we will
$40,000,000 be focusing on Category One, as this is
$20,000,000 the area where recent market dynamics
$- – and potential policy changes – are
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
creating the new opportunities.