Page 15 - The Edge - Fall 2016
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SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND LOCAL VENDORS team’s capacity is a must for project success, like painting an entire
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 high school in a month for a year-around school.”
Hermann said Sun Valley requires its subcontractors to be
Local vendors can nd a general contractor through various onsite no more than an hour a er noti cation of an emergency
chambers of commerce, the American Subcontractors Association situation.
of Arizona, and at vendor outreach fairs. e State Registrar of Contractors can impose a two-year period
Teaming up with a general contractor is an opportunity for from completion of a project during which corrective work can
local vendors to expand their business, Clanton said. Besides, be ordered, even if the contract speci es a one-year warranty.
subcontractors know where local suppliers are and can provide Warranty work o en takes place on early dismissal days, nights
quick response time for schools. In an emergency, a vendor should and weekends.
be able to get to the scene within one hour, she said. Hermann cited some onsite rules: “Don’t harass students, don’t
Clanton mentioned a couple of problems local vendors may speak to students, dress appropriately, no smoking, no drugs, no
face. “ ey may have the experience, but if they just started a new weapons, safety gear must be worn at all times, and you must have
company there may be questions about nancial strength,” she a ngerprint card at all times.”
said. A safety-competent person must be onsite to make decisions
For the prequali cation process, a subcontractor should go regarding safety, such as wearing hard hats, gloves or goggles,
to the general contractor’s website. “Start with your company’s where appropriate. e four leading causes of on-the-job injuries,
information, list details of successfully completed projects, client according to OSHA, are: falls; caught in between, which means
references and any de ciencies or liquidated charges,” she said. being aware of your surroundings to avoid getting ngers smashed;
“Don’t have us nd out about any problems on our own.” struck by, which means stay away from heavy equipment while
Justin Hermann, Project Manager for Sun Valley Builders, it’s in operation, making sure overhead materials are secure; and
cautioned local vendors that school projects require strange work electrocution.
hours, such as during summer, fall or spring break, holidays, nights “Remember, you’re working within neighborhoods,” Hermann
and weekends. “It requires accelerated work schedules, so know said. “Clean up daily, provide for tra c control, and no jack-
what your company can handle,” Hermann said. “Knowing your hammering at 4 a.m.”