Page 17 - The Edge - Fall 2016
P. 17
Luis Cruz Calls AASBO Members
the Superheroes of Education
Luis Cruz
Capitalizing on the theme of AASBO’s Annual Conference know what’s going on in the world, we could have some critical
and Expo, keynote speaker Luis Cruz told his audience of school conversations about that. When they needed help with math, we
business o cials they are the behind-the-scenes superheroes in the hired a tutor. When I would talk to my girls, it wasn’t, ‘Are you
eld of education. going to college?’ It was, ‘Which one are you going to?’”
But, instead of focusing on superheroes, Cruz suggested a Cruz told of his years as principal at Baldwin Park High School
di erent theme: “ is conference should be called, ‘How to hit a just east of Los Angeles. “It was a barrio school, a ghetto school,”
home run with all of the kids we serve.’ We live at a time when he said. He told of the clock on the exterior of the school that was
every single kid that we’re responsible for has to hit a home run. stuck at 10:30 for ten years. en, one day while conducting a
at wasn’t always the case. Every kid, whether going to college or tour for the superintendent and a board member, Cruz decided to
not, has to walk out of high school with the resources to be able to play the politics of education. He said, “Welcome to Baldwin Park
be a success.” High School, where it’s always 10:30.” Soon a er, money became
Cruz, who has a doctorate degree in institutional leadership available and the clock was xed.
and policy studies from the University of California, Riverside,
said his three daughters had every resource they needed at home. CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
“ ey were born on third base,” he said. “When they wanted to
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