Page 21 - The Edge - Fall 2016
P. 21


                              BY DON HARRIS

                            Going Paperless Costs Less and

                            Is Good for the Environment

            Claudia Leon
              When Claudia Leon and Lina Ardizzone conducted                      “You must submit a written
            an AASBO breakout session on going paperless, they
            didn’t provide attendees with printouts – that would have      determination why it’s advantageous to
            undermined their message.                                        the district. In any case, you need to
              Leon, Director of Purchasing for Paradise Valley Unified
 FINANCING    School District, and Ardizzone, PVUSD Senior Buyer,           determine if an electronic submission is
            pointed out the benefits of relying on paper records – even
                                                                            required or optional. You should state
 ARIZONA’S FUTURE  with procurement transactions –  at the AASBO Summer     the electronic submission requirements
            Conference and Expo in July.
              “You can streamline your businesses processes,” Leon said.
                                                                            in the public notice and the solicitation
            “All trends have created a compelling case for going paperless.
            School districts are always looking for new ways to cut costs.   document. Reverse auctions also allow for
            Doing everything electronically definitely mitigates
            expenses.”                                                              an electronic process.”
 Local Knowledge, National Presence       CONTINUED ON PAGE 22            — Claudia Leon, Director of Purchasing for Paradise Valley
                                                                                        Unifi ed School District

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