Page 22 - The Edge - Fall 2016
P. 22

GOING PAPERLESS                                          • How is the information obtained during an audit?
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21                                   • How do you handle procurement review requests from
                                                                       other vendors?
              Aside from saving money, one of the key benefits of going   • How do you keep confidential information “confidential”?
            paperless is being considerate of the environment. “There is a   • How is the retention process handled for electronic
            call for government agencies to go green,” Leon said. “There   records?
            is public awareness toward preservation of the environment.   • How do you outline the electronic process vs. the paper
            We live in a paper world.”                                 process?
              The PV team noted that under the Arizona Administrative
            Code, school districts may conduct an Invitation For Bid   Online programs offer myriad benefits, including
            (IFB) or a Request For Proposal (RFP) electronically with  consolidated scoring and reporting, faster evaluations, which
            competitive sealed bidding. “You must submit a written  results in less work for your Purchasing Department. “You
            determination why it’s advantageous to the district,” Leon  have easy access to the system, which means you can do
            said. “In any case, you need to determine if an electronic  evaluations from anywhere,” Ardizzone said. “The system
            submission is required or optional. You should state the  provides real-time status of the evaluation process and allows
            electronic submission requirements in the public notice and  for comprehensive evaluations. It enables evaluators to state
            the solicitation document. Reverse auctions also allow for an  why they do or do not prefer a certain company and why they
            electronic process.”                                   scored the way they did.”
              Ardizzone noted that sealed submissions leave an       Going paperless provides for automatic notification to
            electronic paper trail.                                buyers as soon as a vendor submittal is made, Leon said. It
              Leon recommended inviting an auditor to see if you’re  also provides a reminder of the timeline, and once all scores
            following electronic procurement rules properly. “Find out  have been completed the system locks down and no changes
            if you’re doing it right,” she said. “Review and outline the  are allowed.
            process with your auditor, and document the discussion and
            recommendations. Document everything.”
              Audit-related things to think about, Leon said, include:                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 23


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                                                                                        THE EDGE  |
                    22                                                                  THE EDGE                FALL 2016
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