Page 23 - The Edge - Fall 2016
P. 23

GOING PAPERLESS                                                     “We also state that the hard copy will be
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22                                               the official  document  –  if  electronic is
                                                                                    requested as an option,” Leon said.
              Regarding  system accountability,                                      “Language has also been included
            everything is date stamped. “Notes and                                     stating that if the hard copy is not
            updates are recorded automatically,                                         received, the electronic version will
            which saves more time than if you                                            not be reviewed – if the hard copy
            were using paper,” Leon said.                                                is required as official.”
              When dealing with a Mom and                                                   Ardizzone explained that
            Pop  company  that  doesn’t  have                                            the public purchasing portal
            computer capability, you can                                                 allows a vendor to make changes
            upload their paper submissions                                               electronically. “The buyer portal
            into the  system and  still  evaluate                                       keeps track of active projects,
            the project online. “You can convert                                       whether they’re ahead or behind
            it to a JPEG or PDF or any format you                                     schedule, or done,” she said.
            want,” Leon said.                                                          It’s important to keep the retention
              A question comes up regarding which is                              schedule in mind. Contracts for
            the official copy, the original or the electronic                  procurement should be kept for six years after
            copy. The district requesting IFB’s or RFP’s needs             the contract is fulfilled, canceled or revoked.
            to make a determination as to which will be the                    The system also enables you to customize your
            official copy. This needs to be made clear to                       evaluation  group  and  evaluation  criteria.
            all vendors.                                                           “You can add as much criteria and in any
              PVUSD uses one of four options:                                        format as you want,” Leon said.
                                                                                         At the end of the breakout session,
              • Hard copy original only.                                                Leon asked how many in the audience
              • Hard copy original with an                                              want to go paperless. Several raised
               electronic version optional.                                              their hands. Then she asked: “How
              • Hard copy original and                                                   many think it’s easier?” Just a few
               electronic version.                                                       hands went up.
              • Electronic original.

                                                                                        “You have easy

                      “We also state that                                              access to the system,

                     the hard copy will be                                           which means you can do

                      the offi cial document – if                                  evaluations from anywhere.
                     electronic is requested as an                         The system provides real-time

                 option. Language has also                                       status of the evaluation
              been included stating that                                             process and allows

                 if the hard copy is not                                               for comprehensive

               received, the electronic                                                  evaluations. It enables
                    version will not be                                                  evaluators to state

                reviewed – if the hard                                                   why they do or do
                    copy is required as                                                  not prefer a certain

                                  offi cial.”                                            company and why they

               — Claudia Leon, Director of Purchasing for                             scored the way they did.”
                     Paradise Valley Unifi ed School District                     — Lina Ardizzone, PVUSD Senior Buyer

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