Page 38 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 38
Trust Leadership Academy Helps bond could have been at risk of a “no” vote. In the end, the bond
Continued from page 37 measure passed.
Today, Dr. Baracy credits the Trust/NAU Leadership Academy
for the outcome of the hazing incident — a positive result for
felt ready to be proactive rather than reactive, but I knew that the student and a positive result for the district. “Our exposure
when I had to be reactive, I could react well,” he said. would have been far greater if I had not been at the Academy,”
One of the emerging issues covered during the Academy he said. “Our exposure, both financial and for our reputation and
that year was hazing. A couple of weeks after attending, Dr. goodwill, was minimized because our staff was well trained.”
Baracy received a call from his assistant superintendent This is just one example of how the Trust’s Leadership
informing him that a student’s parent was in the district Academy program has benefited not just Dr. Baracy and SUSD,
office with a complaint of hazing at an out-of-town camp. but many districts and their leaders around the state.
As a result of the training received at the Academy, Dr. The Trust Leadership Academy was founded in 2005 under
Baracy was confident in his response. He worked with the direction of Dr. William Wright. The Academy was established
Trust-provided counsel and knew what to say, what not to as a platform for training current and future public school
say, and whom to talk to. That was particularly important in administrators on critical risk management issues by using real
this instance, as reporters were aware of the story and were scenarios from Arizona school districts. NAU faculty teaches
very aggressive in pursuing it. But Dr. Baracy had received sessions on leadership, and lawyers walk participants through
the guidance and training he needed to handle the situation legal scenarios in a case study format. There have been 30 Academy
adeptly. sessions over the past 14 years. The Trust/NAU Leadership
Coincidentally, the district had a bond issue in the upcoming Academy is held in Flagstaff in June and in Tubac in September.
election, the largest in the state at the time. Dr. Baracy believes
that had the hazing incident not been resolved smoothly, the Jessica Schuler can be reached at: jschuler