Page 34 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 34


                          By Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB

                          Option for Vendor Bidders’

                          List for Compliance and Ease

           As I travel around Arizona working with school districts on   How about a website that not only maintains all your
        their various procurement issues, the major questions I keep   prospective  vendor  information  but  also  has  the  ability  to
        getting from districts of all sizes are: “What are school districts  automatically notify multiple vendors of bids and quotes at the
        doing to make maintaining a list of vendors for procurements  touch of button? The benefits of this website are numerous, and
        less difficult?” and “How do I maintain a database with all those  the website can be found at Among other
        vendors out there that won’t bog down my staff and be a resource  things, participation in this website will give your district instant
        drain?”                                                access to thousands of vendors. You can easily pull vendor lists
           School District Procurement Rule R7-2-1023(A) states: “The  in Excel format and sort them in any manner your heart desires.
        school district shall compile and maintain a prospective bidders’   Why not remain compliant for a minimal cost and tap the
        list. Inclusion of the name of a person shall not indicate whether  potential of vendors that become available to you by subscribing
        the person is responsible concerning a particular procurement or  to this site? Vendors are responsible for maintaining their own
        otherwise capable of successfully performing a district contract.”  information. No more maintaining your own database by hand
        This requirement applies to all school districts in Arizona. What’s  to meet this requirement. Over 50 public entities of all sizes in
        the best and most efficient way to remain in compliance?  Arizona currently enjoy the benefits offered by the website. This
                                                               website is alive and well and has been creating efficiencies in all
                                                               Yuma County school districts (and the city and county of Yuma)
                                                               for about 20 years. Since 2009, nearly 50 more public entities
                                                               outside of Yuma have jumped on board.
                                                                  OK, now for the $64,000 question. Is the website free? No, but
                                                               the cost is minimal and is based upon the number of solicitations
                                                               and profiles you will have on the website annually. This website
                                                               was designed from scratch by school districts for school districts.
                                                               The only minimal profit being gleaned is by the Webmaster,
                                                               which has been hired (via a most appropriate RFP) to maintain
                                                               the website. Payment for the website is made via a Cooperative
                                                               Purchase Agreement.
                                                                  The cost benefit and increased efficiencies are easily justified
                                                               and the decision to use this website is clearly “the biggest no-
                                                               brainer in the history of Earth” (OK, maybe just the history of
                                                               Arizona Public Procurement). The ability to quickly and easily
                                                               post, track and issue bid and quote notifications is nothing short
                                                               of phenomenal. If you are currently posting your bids to your
                                                               own website and think you don’t need this, you are WRONG!
                                                               AZPurchasing does so much more. Emails are automatically
                                                               sent to vendors directly from the website to notify of bids, quotes,
                                                               addenda and even contract awards!
                                                                  The website has an archival feature, which has been used by
                                                               school districts to ensure better compliance for single audits
                                                               and even the dreaded performance audits. You will have better
                                                               communication between your district and your vendors during
                                                               the bid and quote process. This budget-friendly solution will
                                                               save money on legal advertising, paper supplies, envelopes and
                                                               postage. Heck, it will even reduce your overall labor costs!

                                                                                              Continued on page 35

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