Page 31 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 31

Wounded Warrior Project                                The organization helped Sonntag prepare for retirement

        Continued from page 30                                 and provided an education on benefits he wasn’t aware
                                                               of, such as combat-related special compensation.
                                                                  Sonntag is quoted as saying: “I cried for a day because
        vessels. Moments later, other than a slight headache and  I found people who understood me. They knew exactly
        a bit of nausea, Sonntag, a sergeant first class, felt normal,  what I had been through. Meeting others showed me
        refusing medical attention.                            there was a life for me when I got out of the military.”
           His decision that day, Wounded Warrior Project reports,   Wounded Warrior Project was founded in 2003 in
        would turn out to be one of worst mistakes of his life. In the  Roanoke, Virginia, by a group of veterans and friends who
        years between the mortar explosion and when he finally  took action to help the injured service men and women
        sought help, Sonntag lived with debilitating headaches and  of this generation.
        violent  nightmares.  Sometimes  he  would  get  lost driving   According to the organization’s website, Wounded
        home. Other times, he would forget what he was doing while  Warrior Project is one of the largest veterans’ service
        writing an email or his sentences would run together in a  organizations in the United States, with office locations
        jumble during conversation.                            and partners across the country. As a veterans’ charity,
           Fortunately, he walked into the Veterans Affairs hospital  the organization serves veterans, caregivers and families
        in Long Beach, California, in 2008,  where doctors found  of veterans who incurred a physical or mental injury or
        a  head  injury  and  internal  damage  on  the  right  side  of  illness on or after September 11, 2001.
        his  body.  His  carotid  artery  was  blocked  and  so  was  his   The project’s message to former members of the
        right kidney, according to Wounded Warrior Project.  Two  military is: “We’re stronger together. As a warrior or
        surgeries and months of counseling helped Sonntag put his  caregiver, there may be times when you feel like no
        life back together.                                    one understands what you’re going through. Wounded
           Eventually, Sonntag met Norbie Lara, a spokesman for  Warrior Project is here to make sure you know you are
        Wounded Warrior Project and a wounded veteran himself.  never alone.”

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