Page 28 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 28
By Don Harris
Here Are Ways to Prevent
Hackers from Attacking
Michael Nyman
It has been said that there are only two types of companies – a situation where a firm paid out $600,000 before the hacking was
those that have been hacked and those that will be hacked. detected.
Furthermore, some would say there are two types of companies Credential harvesting is different than phishing, though
(or perhaps school districts), those that have been hacked and phishing is involved, Nyman said. It’s more toward web and cloud
those that will be hacked again. providers. “They try to manipulate users into thinking they’re
That sobering assessment from Michael Nyman, Director of going to the right source” Nyman said. “They harvest credentials.”
Information Security for CLAconnect, provided AASBO members Nyman noted that many people use the same password for
with strategies that can minimize the chances that some bad guys various programs. If compromised in one system, a hacker will
will hack into your school district’s computer network. try it out on other systems. He recommended using a variety of
In a Pre-Spring Conference presentation April 3, Nyman, a passwords.
Certified Public Accountant with 20-plus years of experience, told “Hacking is run like a business with different departments,”
how hackers steal from unsuspecting organizations and how to Nyman said. “They have departments for writing malware, sending
prevent those invasions. phishing emails, stealing data, selling data, and conducting
Smart phones are connected to every device in your home, your payment fraud. And the weakest link in security is people. Hackers
email system and the Internet, he said. “Everything is connected,” target the weakest link – they don’t go after firewalls if they can
Nyman said. “Malware can take over your phone. My product or find a way to get to someone who gives up their credentials.”
system can talk to yours. How do we manage that? Everything can Some mitigation keys include: first and foremost, train users
talk to everything.” regarding email phishing. Also, maintain current patch levels,
Hackers have monetized their activity. Instead of hacking remove local administrators who have no need to access business
as a prank, they are using it to make money, he said. Today transactions, maximize your relationship with your bank, isolate
there is more hacking, more sophistication, and now smaller the PC that is used for online banking, and implement breach
organizations are being targeted, mainly because they have less monitoring and an incident response process.
money to spend on security. Make sure you have dual control, Nyman said: “One person
The cost is staggering. Nyman said global cybercrime cost prepares the transactions and another person approves them.”
businesses up to $400 billion annually. Some theorize it will reach It’s important to know the safeguards your bank has in place,
$2.1 trillion this year. and isolate the PC used for online banking from everything
“So, what are the bad guys doing?” Nyman said. “The term else. “Keep it away from the network – in case the network is
hacker – they’re not hackers anymore – they’re more like attackers. compromised,” he said.
It’s becoming a more business-type model to try to get money. You information security strategy should have the following
In the past, someone hacked somebody by getting through the objectives: users who are more aware and savvy; networks that
firewall just for sport of it. Now, they’re realizing that once they are resistant to malware; and a relationship with your financial
can get in, there is a gold mine of data. Hacking or attacking has institution that is maximized.
become more sophisticated.” Among the keys to mitigate risk, Nyman recommended
There are key areas of hacking. Organized crime is recruiting turning off unneeded services, changing default passwords, using
hackers to develop malware for phishing expeditions. It can strong passwords, having centralized audit logging, analysis, and
involve wholesale theft of personal information. “In the old way, automated alerting capabilities, and know what “normal” looks
they used physical force to get money from people – they beat it like.
out of them,” Nyman said. “Now, they use methods to digitally take He strongly recommended having a defined incident response
money from people.” plan and procedures in place, including data leakage prevention
Another area is ransomware. Targeted businesses weigh the and monitoring.
cost of paying the ransom, Nyman said. And even if you pay the “Whatever you do, think about how can you make your users
ransom, you may be targeted again, he said. “They hold your data more savvy and how can you make your network more resistant
hostage.” to malware,” Nyman said.
Some hackers use credentials to commit online banking and
credit card fraud, taking over your system, sending out fraudulent Mike Nyman can be reached at:
payments. Often they create fictitious employees. Nyman told of or (602) 604-3524.