Page 32 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 32
By Dale Ponder
“Put me in Coach, I’m ready to play – I think!”
The Importance of Succession Planning
– Prepare for Those Retirements
If you have attended any workshops, conferences or So, what are you doing to prepare those behind you?
seminars in the recent months, you are likely to learn Teala Wilson, a Certified Human Resources Leader,
that just about every area of commerce is preparing said: “Succession planning helps build the bench
for the Baby Boomers to exit the workforce and into strength of an organization to ensure the long-term
retirement. health, growth and stability.” Immediately, and as
Apart from professional athletics, nearly every a basketball fan, I put that quote in the context of a
industry – education, health, law enforcement, and basketball team. When a player fouls out and is “retired”
insurance to name a few – are all bracing for the impact from the game, who does the coach have on the bench
and the shortage of qualified individuals. While this who is prepared to check into the game and accept those
concept is definitely not new, it feels that the importance roles and responsibilities toward the overall success
for leadership and professional development to prepare of the team? Have they been actively engaged during
those in waiting is growing – and quickly. practices, scouting trips, film review and team meetings?
Many researchers are estimating that nearly 75 million If not, why, and what has the coach done to help ensure
Baby Boomers will be heading into retirement and with their success?
approximations of only 65 million people available to fill It’s no accident that the same correlation could
those jobs. I’m not very good at math, but that seems to be made with your team, too. When a team member
be a significant deficit. Like some of you may have, we separates from service at your entity, regardless of the
faced this challenge within our own school district. circumstance, do you have other members who have
Nearly five years ago, we began the transition of been developed to take on those roles? Are you making
succeeding nearly 90% of our management team. This those investments today, to better prepare them and
team, of nearly 30, had varying ranges of experience your district for “long-term health, growth and stability”?
between 25 to 42 years – most of those were through Who do you have within your organization that you
their service to Crane ESD at the position in which they could develop and make the necessary investments for
vacated. Yes, a lot of historical knowledge was getting the betterment of your organization?
prepared to exit our district, including principals, It is important to note that this process works both
directors, managers, assistant superintendents and even ways. If the coach tells me that, to earn more playing
our superintendent. time, I need to work on my defensive stance and foot
When these positions were filled by internal speed, and I’d rather chuck up those 25-foot jump
candidates, it generated a ripple or domino effect within shots, I’m likely not going to see a great deal of playing
the organization of finding the replacement for those time and will force them to select someone else. When
positions as well. I’m pleased to say that we were able to the organization is suggesting that development
successfully accomplish this feat without any significant be concentrated to specific areas, it’s important to
dips or disruptions in academic or operational have the humility to recognize that and work toward
performance – and the vast majority of those who filled improvement.
the vacant positions were by internal candidates. Not sure where to start? Perhaps this can be achieved
Yes, I’m bragging a little bit about our achievement, through the various professional development
but it was not by accident. We had individuals who were opportunities within AASBO. Or, developing a mentorship
ready to make the transition, and the district was able to or leadership program within your organization that will,
receive the return on its investment. In fact, I am serving intentionally, foster and grow the talent from within the
in my present position with Crane ESD because of the organization. To me, this is vital. Investing in people who
opportunities that my predecessor, Mike Wicks, made in already understand and are embedded into the culture
me. He saw potential when I did not and provided me
with the opportunities to learn and grow. Continued on page 33