Page 29 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 29
By Deborah Sandoval
Yes – A Sincere Thank You SCHOOLS
to Our Vendor Partners
The word “no” was not embraced well in my childhood
home. My father was a firm believer in the word “yes.”
He stood firm on the belief that “no” or “I can’t” were a
lazy man’s answers. He felt both negative answers merely WHAT
ended a conversation. He stressed saying yes would
challenge me. This positive word would open a thought
process, opportunities and growth. He was an amazing
man and I must admit that tidbit of information has MATTERS
allowed me to do so much in my life. One of those things
has been the opportunity of being your AASBO Vendor
Representative. MOST
When I was asked to consider running for the AASBO
Vendor Representative position, I didn’t hesitate to say yes.
I knew in my heart it would be an amazing opportunity to
be more involved in an organization I truly respect and
to better support the vendor community within. Boy was DELIVERING COMFORT AND
I right!
Yes, the first year in this position I struggled to learn UNIQUE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS
all that was expected of me. But with the guidance of the THROUGH PERSONALIZED
AASBO Board and staff, I was able to make this journey
one of the most gratifying since joining the organization TECHNOLOGY.
seven years ago.
During my tenure I have listened to your suggestions
and tried to improve upon your experience when Energy efficiency
attending meetings and conferences. I have tried to
ensure that you all have an equal voice and opportunity. Facility modernization
I have consistently reminded everyone how our vendor Improved environment
community is an integral part of AASBO. Your participation
and sponsorships help reduce costs for AASBO members Renewable energy
attending our functions. Also, the goods and services you
provide keep the support wheels on the track for all the Self-funding resolutions
individuals riding on this public education train.
As my term comes to an end, I promise to stay active
in the membership and professional development
committees and urge each of you to participate as well.
These committees are always in need of fresh ideas, new
topics and presenters.
It has been an honor to serve in this position. Thank
you for your confidence in allowing me to be your voice.
Saying “yes” to this opportunity gave me more than I
could have ever expected. DEREK VAN ZIJLL | 480.272.3414
Deborah Sandoval is Director of Outreach and Education,
Mohave Educational Services Cooperative, Inc. She can be CLIMATEC.COM
reached at: (602) 277-4290.