Page 6 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 6
Arizona’s Leader in
Sun/UV Protection
By Brian Mee
AASBO Has the Best: Mohave Contract Holder
School Business Officials Step Up to the Challenges
• Playground Areas/Equipment
Ever since I served on the ASBO International Board and integrity, ethics, excellence, and vision. I will work hard to
particularly as its President, my goal has been that someday I maintain the positive environment of excellence AASBO has
would become Executive Director of the Arizona Association of established over the years – one that fosters trust, motivates and • Outdoor teaching/ Eating Areas
School Business Officials. inspires its members to achieve successful results.
When it became known that David Lewis was leaving to So, as I begin this new journey, surrounded by an exceptional • Drop Off/Pick Up Areas
lead ASBO International, I felt this was my opportunity to fully team and friends I’ve worked with for a lot of years, I am
utilize the knowledge and experience I have gained during my reminded of this quote by President Ronald Reagan: • Basketball Courts
school business career and make AASBO even greater than it is. “Surround yourself with the best people you can find,
Throughout my years of being a member of AASBO, I delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy • Courtyards
always believed that this association was something special. you’ve decided upon is being carried out.” And AASBO has the
Its members, staff, and vendors were different from the private best. • Bleachers
industry that I had come from. School business officials
seemed to get it. They knew that they were called to serve others
in the education profession. They knew that their job wasn’t
just something they did, but something they put their hearts Let Us Help
into. That they are humble, that their responsibilities were so
overwhelming they were not afraid to ask others for advice or
help and likewise, they were willing to jump in help others in Protect What’s
The responsibility of being a school business official goes
beyond conventional thinking. A school business official is Important To You
someone who doesn’t whine or complain when things are
getting tough. They know that no matter what the challenges
are, they have to step up and rise to the occasion. No matter
what the odds, students need to be served, buses need to run,
food needs to be prepared, supplies purchased, new schools
opened, facilities ready, staff hired, computers running, and
budgets balanced – just to name a few.
After attending my first AASBO conference in 1987, I knew
right then that this was an association that I wanted to be a part
of and invest time in. Involvement in AASBO became a passion
for me, knowing that I would be part of something much greater
than myself. I believed that through this association, its board,
committees, education and legislative programs, I would have
the privilege of serving its members and have a positive impact
on them, their districts and the students of Arizona.
As your Executive Director, I plan to build on AASBO’s
solid foundation and the gains we have made during the past
decades. I have always believed in the saying: If it’s not broke,
don’t fix it. Well, AASBO certainly isn’t broke, but that doesn’t
mean we can’t make some improvements. I’m open to any
suggestions or recommendations you may have.
AASBO has and continues to be, one of most respected
associations in the state and across the nation. I have long
believed that working for and with AASBO was an honor and
it would be a privilege to serve the board, its members and 800-290-3387
the state as the Executive Director. I am committed to model
6 THE EDGE | SUMMER 2019 5711 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85043