Page 10 - The Edge - Summer 2019
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New Executive Director Mee also has been an active member of ASBO International for
Continued from page 8 over 23 years, becoming the first Arizonan to serve as President of
that organization in 2012.
With ASBO International, Mee also served as Vice Chair of
Chief Business Officer for Pendergast ESD; Chief Operations the Professional Development Committee, on the Certificate of
Officer for ABS School Services, a charter school business Excellence Committee, Meritorious Budget Award Committee,
management company; Assistant Superintendent of Business Legislative Aspects Committee, the Leadership Development
and Technology Services for Murphy ESD; Coordinator of Task Force, Professional Development Task Force, chaired the
Facilities for Cottonwood-Oak Creek ESD, and Director for Ambassadors Committee and Bi-laws Committee. Mee was on
Child Nutrition Services for Show Llow USD. the ASBO International Board from 2008 to 2013, serving as Vice
With AASBO, Mee served on the Board for six years, President, President and Past President.
including a year as President. He has been a presenter and As President of ASBO International, Mee’s message was to
instructor for numerous AASBO classes and workshops, a three- promote school business officials as not just managers, but as
time Member of the Year, 21 times a Gold Award recipient, and leaders within the educational organization. “Consider how
recipient of the Bill Lovett Award and of the “Hat.” extensive school business support services are,” he said. “They
For 21 years, Mee received the Certificate of Excellence include such vital areas as budget and finance, human resources,
in Financial Reporting awarded by ASBO International and payroll, purchasing, custodial services, landscaping, preventive
the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the maintenance, construction, renovation, regular and special needs
Government Finance Officers Association. For eight years, he transportation, student and adult nutrition services, catering,
was the recipient of the Meritorious Budget Award from ASBO network hardware and software maintenance and repair, and
International and received the Distinguished Budget Award software purchasing and implementation. So don’t underestimate
from GFOA. These are the highest awards a school district can the importance of support staff and services – they are a vital part of
receive for excellence in budget preparation and presentation. the district’s life blood.”
In addition, Mee served as Treasurer on the Board of Trustees Mee has a M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University in Education
for the AZ School Risk Retention Trust and President on the Leadership. He has taught school business and finance classes, and
School Construction Insurance Pool. He was also a member of conducted workshops and presentations for AASBO, ASBA, ASU
the Auditor General’s School Finance Advisory Committee. and ASA.
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