Page 12 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 12


        By Don Harris
        David Lewis and Charlotte Gates Named AASBO MVPs

           It was David Lewis’ final event as                                     Charlotte Gates, recognized as a special
        Executive Director of AASBO – the Spring                                person who has been an integral part of
        Conference - capping eight successful years                             AASBO for more than 20 years, was awarded
        as winner of the organization’s new Most                                the organization’s initial MVP award.
        Valuable Player award.                                                    Gates, Director of Business Services
           Chuck Essigs, AASBO Director of                                      for Sahuarita Unified School District, was
        Government Relations, described Lewis as                                introduced at AASBO’s Spring Conference
        strong and dedicated. He noted that AASBO                               on April 5 by Lizette Huie, Business Services
        has a long history of successful Executive                              Coordinator at Sahuarita USD.
        Directors – only four over a 60-year period,                              From 1997 to 2006, she served on the
        and all of them have done great things to                               AASBO Board of Directors.  She was AASBO
        make AASBO grow from what it originally                                 President in 2004-2005.
        was.                                                                      “You’ll find her friendly face at each
           Essigs conceded that he initially had                                AASBO event making memories, helping
        some concerns about Lewis, because the                                  others, and sharing her knowledge wherever
        previous Executive Directors had all been                               she goes,” Huie said. “Her dedication, tireless
        school business officials – and Lewis was not.                          commitment, hard work, and leadership
        “It seemed to me that’s what you needed to                              to public education and to AASBO are
        be an Executive Director for AASBO,” Essigs                             unbeatable.  She truly is in a ‘League of her
        said. “David proved that’s totally wrong for                            Own.’ I’ll  try  not  cry,  because  there’s  no
        what he has done for our organization.”                                 crying in baseball, right?”
           Lewis exemplified what AASBO is all  Charlotte Gates and David Lewis, AASBO   Huie said of Gates: “She values the school
        about – helping a neighboring district do   MVPs                        business profession and exemplifies service,
        the right thing. That kind of sharing of                                integrity, and support of others.   She has
        information, Essigs said.                              been affectionately nicknamed the ‘Godmother’ of AASBO, but
           “I’m sad to see him leave,” Essigs said. “I kidded him when he  to me, I call her a great colleague, best mentor, and awesome
        applied for the ASBO International job. I wished him luck – not a  friend. I’ve been blessed to have her by my side to show me the
        lot of luck, but I knew at that time that he was probably going to  tricks of the trade and to encourage me – well maybe a little push
        be selected. I’ll miss him as a friend and I know AASBO will miss  at times – to come out of my comfort zone. So today it is with
        him for all he has done for the organization.”         great honor to recognize Charlotte Gates as one of AASBO’s Most
           Lewis thanked AASBO members for the rousing reception  Valuable Players!”
        he received and confirmed that he had accepted the position of   Charlotte took the stage, smiling broadly, and fighting back
        Executive Director of ASBO International. Lewis reemphasized  tears, said: “Thank you sooo much. As many of you know, I am
        what had been said about the spirit of AASBO – the willingness  retiring in June and I owe my whole career to AASBO. When I
        to help each other.                                    started out in a small school district, I didn’t know anything
           “We’re all doing this, sometimes under very difficult  about school business.”
        circumstances, under-funding and all those types of issues”   An auditor recommended that she join AASBO, an
        he said. “The thing is, we recognize this is for education. We  organization that would help her in her job, but she had to
        are trying to help a foundation of our democracy – public   promise that one day she would become AASBO President.
        education. We need to be doing all we can at every level for  “And I thought, WOW,” Gates said. “I started coming to AASBO,
        public education.”                                     and I will tell you first-timers, it’s so important. You’re on a
           Lewis praised each member of the AASBO staff, and said  pathway to a great journey. When I went to a meeting, actually
        leaving is bittersweet. “I will miss everybody,” he said. “You guys  I’m really shy. Most people don’t believe that. A board member
        have become like my family. I keep telling myself I’m not leaving  took my hand and said, ‘Oh, is this your first time?’ I said, yes.
        for good. I’ll still have my house here. I will definitely try to get  And she said, ‘Come, sit with me.’ Before I knew it, I was on a
        you guys to come to ASBO International, and I’ll certainly be  committee.”
        coming back to ASBO Arizona as well. I wouldn’t have been able   To all AASBO members, Charlotte urged: “Open your heart.
        to get this next job if it weren’t for Arizona ASBO – learning from  You have networking. This is the best place to be because you
        each other. Trying to take that next step is the same for me.”  guys are awesome.  I owe it all to you.”

        12                                                                                THE EDGE  |  SUMMER 2019
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