Page 16 - The Edge - Summer 2019
P. 16

Slam Dunk                                                 Number three involves your success coming down to one
        Continued from page 14                                 simple thing – making somebody’s life better. “I challenge
                                                               you to create great memories,” he said
                                                                  True success, Davlin said, always comes down to service.
           For some, he joked, retirement is bad news, because  He quoted President Kennedy saying don’t ask what your
        all that money you saved will be spent by someone else –  country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
        maybe your son-in-law.                                 “If you want to have true success, you’ve got to serve as many
           Commenting on the person you become, Davlin said it  people as possible,” Davlin said, noting that many people
        is the most important factor, and if you get a handle on it,  today ask, “What’s in it for me?”
        it will make the other two a lot easier.                   Davlin emphasized: “Sometimes the little things you do                                      Financing Potential
           What’s important is to become more, not have more, he  every day, the things that are insignificant to you, can mean
        said. “Recognize what makes you so great,” Davlin said.  the world to somebody else. So, where do we go from here? At
        “There never has been or will there be another person  the end of our lives, we’ll all be remembered for something,
        just like you. Each of us has something special, but it’s  in some way. The greatest impact will be the impact we have        Stifel is proud to collaborate with Arizona school districts by providing
        only special if you discover it, develop it and use it. Some  on people.  It is not about the things we have. It is only about
        people never discover who they are. You also need to  the lives we touch. What’s important is not what you do in life,         comprehensive investment banking and finance consulting services.
        discover your sense of purpose.”                       it’s what did you do with life.”
           Davlid said his father told him, at age 17, that the most   Life is a lot like a basketball game, he said. There are two
        important thing is to know what you do best and to really  seconds  on the clock.  You  need  a  game-winning 3-point
        enjoy it. “If you’re lucky, that’s what you’ll do,” Davlin  basket to win.                                                                   Bob Casillas                Grant Hamill             Michael LaVallee
        said. “It’s a beautiful thing, but it takes time, energy and   “Either way, we all get one shot at life,” Davlin said. “Make                 Managing Director           Managing Director           Managing Director
        effort.”                                               that count. You can choose to watch the game go by. Nobody
           The second element of the game winning three is the  becomes a hero by sitting on the bench. The clock is ticking                       Bryan Lundberg                Mark Reader                 Randie Stein
        memories you create. It can be a blessing or a curse. “If  for all of us, and how quickly the moments pass.  As players,
        you live well, that’s the greatest treasure,” Davlin said.  we get one shot at this life. It’s up to us to make it count.”                   Managing Director           Managing Director           Managing Director
        “If you don’t live well, the greatest curse will be your   The most important test of all, he said, is the eulogy test.
        memories.”                                             “What are they going to say?” Davlin said. “Do not have them                                       Erika Coombs                  Sandra Day
           We have the power to create our own memories, he  have to make up stuff. You give them something about the                                                  Director                  Vice President
        said, but sometimes we can get so caught up in our lives  memories you created. Most of all, make them talk about the
        and trying to be successful. “Slow down and enjoy them,”  difference you made while living on this Earth. It’s time to get
        he said. “Don’t miss the journey. It can be as simple as a  off the bench.”
        walk in the park or golfing with your buddy. Don’t miss                                                                                          2325 East Camelback Road, Suite 750 | Phoenix, Arizona 85016
        the journey. Give yourself something to remember.”     Dave Davlin can be reached at: or (210) 885-3283.
                                                                                                                                                                              (602) 794-4000

        16                                                                                THE EDGE  |  SUMMER 2019
                                                                                                                                Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE |
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