Page 3 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 3

P   r   e   -  Con          f    e  r    e   n   c    e

         K   e    y   not           e A        d    d   re      s   s
         Keynote Address

                 Wednesday, April 3, 2024

                           Good To Great

       Is being good, good enough, and how do you get the
       right people seated in the right seat on the bus? Adapt-
       ed from the 2001 Jim Collins publication of Good to
       Great that researched several companies, within vary-
       ing industries, over a 5-year period to determine why
       some leaped while others had fallen, this session will
       teach you the timeless principles of going from “good”
       to “great”. Exploring the uncovered factors that disci-
       plined people with disciplined thoughts lead to disci-
       plined actions, these factors are the driving force of
       how to take a good (mediocre) organization and turn
       it into one that produces sustained great (excellent)
                                                         t D
                                                Meet Dale
                                                Dale Ponder has served as the Chief of Finance & Op-
                                                erations at Crane Elementary School District No. 13
                                                of  Yuma,  Arizona  since  July  2015,  where  he  is  re-
                                                sponsible for oversight of operational, non-education
                                                departments, such as Financial Services, Pupil Trans-
                                                portation,  School  Nutrition,  Materials  Management,
                                                Facilities & Grounds Maintenance, Risk Management,
                                                School Safety, and Information Technology Services.
                                                Since joining the district in 2006, he has functioned
                                                as Executive Director of Management Services, Direc-
                                                tor of Finance, Director of Procurement, and Procure-
                                                ment Manager.  He also serves as an executive board
                                                member for the Arizona Association of School Busi-
                                                ness Officials, the Yuma Area Benefit Consortium, the
                                                Education Finance Reform Group, and the Education
                                                Technology Consortium, and a board member for the
                                                Arizona School Alliance for Workers’ Compensation,
                                                Inc. and the School Construction Insurance Pool, Inc.
                                                Dale earned his degree of Bachelor of Science in Busi-
                                                ness Administration from Berea College (KY) in 2002
                                                and resides in Yuma with his wife and two children.
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