Page 7 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 7

                                          P   u   r   c    ha      s    i n    g

                                      Pre-Conference Agenda

                                                     April 3, 2024
        9:00 AM - 10:00 AM                                     11:50 AM - 12:55 PM
        K eynote Address                                       Lunch & Networking
                                                               Lunch &
        Keynote Address
        10:05 AM - 10:55 AM
        P104: Back to     Basics: Ho  w to  Build a            1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
        P104: Back to Basics: How to Build a
                   Solicitatio n                               P304: Back t   o  Basics: Ho  w to  Evaluat e a
                                                               P304: Back to Basics: How to Evaluate a
        Learn some basics with regards to building a solic-               Solicitation
        itation.  Decide if it’s to be an IFB vs. an RFP, Parts   Learn the basics of reviewing solicitation respons-
        of the solicitation, Uniform Instructions, General     es, as well as exploring some more advanced best
        Terms/Condition’s, Special Requirements), When         practices.  Topics  will  include  kick-off  meetings,
        to include Federal Terms and Conditions, develop-      conflict of interest requirements, evaluation pro-
        ing the Scope of Work, (user input and borrowing       cesses, E-Procurement systems, scoring
        from others), building evaluation criteria and what    and ranking methods, pricing evaluations, inter-
        to use for IFB’s and RFP’s. Reference checks or        views/demos, and best and final offers.
        performance evaluations, timeline requirements
        and when to use cooperative language.                  Speakers: Lari Staples - Mohave Cooperative &
                                                               Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School Dis-
        Speakers:  Elyse Orozco - Littleton Elementa-          trict  &  Diana  Kerfoot  -  Tucson  Unified  School
        ry  School District  & Christina Ulman  - Dysart       District & Claudia Leon - 1GPA
        Unified School District & Michael Carter -
        Mohave  Cooperative  &  Gary  Barkman  - Mesa
        Unified School District & Richard Helm -
        Pendergast Elementary School District                  1:50 PM - 2:05 PM
                                                               Refreshment Break & Networking
                                                                             Break &
        11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
                                      w to
                          Basics: Ho
        P204: Back to
                                            Build a
        P204: Back to Basics: How to Build a                   2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
                   Solicitatio n (CONTINUED)                   P404: Back t   o  Basics: Ho  w to  Evaluat e a
                   Solicitation (CONTINUED)
                                                               P404: Back to Basics: How to Evaluate a
        Learn some basics with regards to building a solic-               Solicitatio n (CONTINUED)
                                                                          Solicitation (CONTINUED)
        itation.  Decide if it’s to be an IFB vs. an RFP, Parts   Learn the basics of reviewing solicitation respons-
        of the solicitation, Uniform Instructions, General     es, as well as exploring some more advanced best
        Terms/Condition’s, Special Requirements), When         practices.  Topics  will  include  kick-off  meetings,
        to include Federal Terms and Conditions, develop-      conflict of interest requirements, evaluation pro-
        ing the Scope of Work, (user input and borrowing       cesses, E-Procurement systems, scoring
        from others), building evaluation criteria and         and ranking methods, pricing evaluations, inter-
        what to use for IFB’s and RFP’s. Reference checks      views/demos, and best and final offers.
        or  performance  evaluations,  timeline  require-
        ments and when to use cooperative language.
                                                               Speakers: Lari Staples - Mohave Cooperative &
                                                               Speak  ers:
                                                               Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School Dis-
        Speakers:  Elyse Orozco - Littleton Elementa-
        Speak  ers:                                            trict  &  Diana  Kerfoot  -  Tucson  Unified  School
        ry  School District  & Christina Ulman  - Dysart       District & Claudia Leon - 1GPA
        Unified School District & Michael Carter -
        Mohave  Cooperative  &  Gary  Barkman  - Mesa
        Unified School District & Richard Helm -
        Pendergast Elementary School District

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