Page 11 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 11

Breakout Session 1
                                                           t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                            10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                   TRANSPORTATION
        106: Cyber Resiliency Architecture                       108: Student Scanning; Struggles to
                                                                 108: St
                                                                         udent Scanning; St
        106: Cyber Resiliency Architecture
                                                                                                ruggles to
        Disaster Recovery within the IT department can                    Success
        mean a lot of different things depending on who          This session  would give a  general overview  of
        you ask. For example - a Systems Administra-             the technology available for student tracking, but
        tor’s worst fear might be recovering from a Ran-         provide a deeper focus on implementation in-
        somware on an ancient system versus a Site               cluding lessons learned, buy in from the school
        Technician’s worst fear being the availability of        administration, students and parents.
        extra equipment if a building floods. In this pre-
        sentation we’ll look at IT Disaster Recovery, Busi-      Speakers: Josh Crosby - Higley Unified School
        ness Continuity and Cyber Resilience and what            District & Shannon Weber   -  Florence  Unified
        you can do to identify all these systems risks and       School District
        business impacts you might not be aware of. In
        the words of Mike Tyson, ‘Everyone has a plan
        until they get punched in the face.’ Together we’ll
        try to predict the punches before they arrive.           PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                 109: Mental Health: Caring for Each Other
                                                                 109: Mental Health: Caring fo     r Each Other
        Speaker: John Kukowski - West-MEC
                                                                          Beyond the Surface
        Speak  er:                                                        Beyo nd t he Surface
                                                                 During  this  insightful  presentation,  we  will  dis-
                                                                 cuss educational institutions’ current mental
                                                                 health crisis. As the situation continues to impact
                                                                 students, support staff, and educators alike, we
                                                                 will discuss the need to collaborate on innovative
                                                                 solutions and initiatives to create supportive and
                                                                 nurturing environments. You will leave this pre-
                                                                 sentation with ideas on implementing programs
                                                                 to combat mental health concerns.

                                                                 Speak ers:
                                                                 Speakers: Nikki Crider - SSC Services for Ed-
                                                                 ucation  &  Dale  Ponder  -  Crane  Elementary
                                                                 School District

        107: Purchasing 101 Under the Threshold
        107: Purchasing 101 Under t       he Thresho    ld
        Quotes, quotes and more quotes.  What procure-
        ment options do school districts have for pur-
        chases under $100K?
        This session will give attendees a foundation of
        understanding for the rules under the formal bid
        threshold of $100K.
        Get in the fast lane to understanding basic re-
        quirements for these purchases.

        Speakers: Elyse Orozco - Littleton Elementary
        Speak  ers:
        School District & Gary Barkman - Mesa Unified
        School District
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