Page 16 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 16

Breakout Session 4
                                                          t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                              3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
        ACCOUNTING                                              MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS
                                                                404: The ro
        401:  Co nflict  o f Int erest  Refresher               404: The role of enhanced technologies in
                                                                              le o
                                                                                  f enhanced techno
        401: Conflict of Interest Refresher
                                                                                                          gies in
                                                                         K-12 Safety & Security effo
        Conflicts of interest can occur at any district, re-             K-12 Safety & Security efforts
        gardless  of  size  and  geographical  location.  This   In March of 2023 the Partner Alliance for Safer
        panel discussion will discuss a variety of items,       Schools (PASS) released the 6th edition of their
        including  what  is  considered  a  conflict  of  inter-  Safety and Security Guidelines for K-12 Schools.
        est, what the statute requires for disclosures and      In this report, they included enhanced technolo-
        maintenance of disclosures, how to handle con-          gies that showed potential for making significant
        flicts when disclosed, what to do when an undis-        improvements to school safety. In this session,
        closed  conflict  is  discovered,  and  best  business   we will be exploring how the introduction of addi-
        practices to ensure compliance.                         tional technologies to your access control & video
                                                                surveillance systems can make a real difference
        Speak  ers:                                             for safety and security. Describing how technolo-
        Speakers:  Gretchen  Augustine  -  Arizona  Au-
        ditor General & Lynn Leonard - Mingus Union             gies like, Vape sensors, weapons/prohibited items
        High School District & James Shakland - Hein-           detection and gunshot/acoustic surveillance can
        feldMeech & Angela Terry - Kyrene Elementary            be quickly integrated into your schools network
        School District & Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified        and infrastructure. Providing the essentials for en-
        School District                                         hanced student and faculty protection with readily
                                                                available solutions.

                                                                Speakers: Andy McQueen - ivelah &
        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                 Lyndee Villegas - ivelah & Roy Sucanick - Wil-
        402: Driving Unknown Roads, A Map for
        402: Driving Unkno     wn Roads, A Map fo      r        son School District
                 Your Annual Road Trip
                 Yo ur Annual Ro ad Trip
        Being on the road less traveled without a map is
        the easiest way to get lost and a great way to wind
        up with a ticket for being where you’re not sup-
        posed to be or in this case, for not getting proper
        approval or properly documenting business trans-
        actions  for  your  district.  Don’t  risk  getting  lost!
        Make sure you know where you are going and
        Join us in this session where we will help you read
        the map, know what needs governing board ap-
        proval, and plan for and document transactions          HUMAN RESOURCES & PAYROLL
        during your annual road trip from July to June.         405: So  cial Co nnect  io ns Strat egies at  Work
                                                                405: Social Connections Strategies at Work
                                                                Recognizing the importance of social connections
        Speakers:  Heather  Mock  -  Maricopa  County           and positive friendships at work is a key compo-
        School Superintendent’s Office &                        nent  of  building  an  effective  workplace  culture
        Tracy Rockwell - Deer Valley Unified School Dis-        and teaming strategies.  In this session, we will
        trict                                                   review the research behind the need for positive
                                                                social connections and walk away with strategies
                                                                to  approach  teaming  and  social  connections  at
                                                                your place of work.   If you want to go far, go to-
                                                                gether.  -African Proverb

                                                                Speakers:  Jenna  Moffitt  -  Deer  Valley  Unified
                                                                School District & Matt Hreha - Deer Valley Uni-
                                                                fied School District
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