Page 17 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 17

Breakout Session 4
                                                          t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                              3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                  TRANSPORTATION
                                                                408: The Fork in the Road
        406: The Cyber Crystal Ball and Future                  408: The Fo   rk in the Ro  ad
        406: The Cyber Crystal Ball and Future
                Challenges in Cybersecurity                     It feels like we are being steered towards electric
                Challenges in Cybersecurity
        In this presentation we’ll discuss cyber challenges     vehicles.  There has been plenty of money offered
        to start thinking about today, some in the future,      to lead you down the EV road.  What does that
        and some affecting us all right now.                    look like?  One district’s experience with imple-
                                                                menting EV’s into their fleet.
        Speak  ers:
        Speakers: Alex Robles - Arizona School Risk
        Retention Trust & Albert Magallanez - Sunny-            Speaker: Eric Kissel  - Laveen Elementary
        side Unified School District                            School District

                                                                VENDOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                            nds: Navigat
                                                                                                           ing the
                                                                         rging Lasting Bo
                                                                409: Forging Lasting Bonds: Navigating the
                                                                409: Fo
                                                                         Uncharted Path to Positive
                                                                         Uncharted Path to
                                                                         Opportunities with School Districts
                                                                         Opportunit ies wit h Scho o l Dist rict s
                                                                Join our expert panel as we unravel the secrets
                                                                to cultivating enduring relationships and unlock-
                                                                ing opportunities with school districts. Explore the
                                                                do’s and don’ts, best practices, and jump start
                                                                your journey to creating long-lasting connections
                                                                in the ever-evolving educational landscape.
                                                                Speakers: Jim  Migliorino  -  Deer  Valley  Unified
        PURCHASING &                                            School District & Lisa Folsom - Sunland Asphalt
        PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                & Dr. Drew Davis - Paradise Valley Unified School
        407: Deer in the Headlights: Presenting
        407: Deer in the Headlight      s: Presenting           District & Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team
                 When You Are Nervous to Present
                 When Yo u Are Nervo   us to  Present           & Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools
        Purchasing professionals are being called upon
        more  and  more  to  present  information  to  their
        peers, school staff, administration, and the pub-
        lic. Public speaking anxiety affects approximate-
        ly 75% of the population and is said to be more
        prevalent  than  the  fear  of  death,  spiders,  or
        heights. Join us for an informative session about
        the science and psychology behind this fear. Take
        away some tips on how  you can not only survive
        a presentation, but learn to thrive in the spotlight!

        Speakers: Lari Staples - Mohave Cooperative &
        Julie Carson - Laveen Elementary School Dis-

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