Page 13 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 13

                                Breakout Session 2
                                                          t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                            12:50 PM - 1:40 PM
        HUMAN RESOURCES & PAYROLL                               PURCHASING
                                                                207: Solicitation Compliance in the Digital
        205: Traveling across the highways,
        205: Traveling acro    ss the highways,                 207: So  licitat io n Co mpliance in the Digit  al
                                       es lo
                                             oking fo
                bi-ways and interstates looking for my                   Age
                bi-ways and interst
                                                      r my
                compensation.                                   As more school districts transition their solicitation
        I am searching the Rand McNally, Waze, Google           method from the binder method to an eProcure-
        Maps, and My Dashboard to see what I am re-             ment Software how can they ensure they are in
        ceiving from my district…..can’t find nothin’!   Are    compliance?  Discuss how to implement an ePro-
        you hearing this message from your employ-              curement platform with fidelity and how Dysart
        ees?   Have you issued the required Compensa-           Unified  School  District  approached  compliance,
        tion Statements that came into law back in 2022?        digital public records, and the crosswalk between
        We have the roadmap drawn for you to find the           the two methods.
        best route while getting to your destination.  Join
        us for an entertaining session on Compensation          Speak  ers:
                                                                Speakers: Jessica Leasure  & Christina Ulman
        Statements  as  we  go  through  setting  them  up       - Dysart Unified School District
        to the quirks of School ERP Pro with issuing the
        Speak  ers:                                             TRANSPORTATION
        Speakers: Tracy Rockwell - Deer Valley Unified
        School District & Jill Winn -  Maricopa  County         208:  Go o gle:  It ’s  Much  Mo re  Than  Just   Maps
                                                                208: Google: It’s Much More Than Just Maps
        Superintendent of Schools                               Google can be a powerful tool for a transportation
                                                                department. This session will discuss creating
                                                                and implementing Google Forms and Sheets to
                                                                track a wealth of information in a transportation

                                                                Speakers: Jason Nelson - Arizona School Risk
                                                                Speak  ers:
                                                                Retention Trust & Christian Miranda - Glendale
                                                                Elementary School District
        206: Bridging Security Initiatives with
        206: Bridging Security Initiatives wit      h
                 Network Best Practices
                 Netwo rk Best  Practices
        Network integrity is one of the most difficult chal-    VENDOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
        lenges to manage. In this session, we will review       209: Schoo   l Finance fo  r Vendo  rs
                                                                209: School Finance for Vendors
        what  network  parameters  need  to  be  considered     M&O, Bond, Override, Student Activities funding,
        to ensure your access control & video surveillance      Budget Override Continuation, Budget Increase:
        deployments are properly supported. We’ll explore       As Vendors we hear these terms all of the time,
        what role & technology-based considerations can be      but what do they really mean? Join us for this
        made, the importance of setting ownership goals
        over project deployment and why ongoing system          informative detour as we take a scenic look into
        management is important for network security. Our       what these terms mean.
        goal  is  to  reinforce  how  successful  outcomes  be-
        come more likely when there is buy-in across mul-       Speakers: Paul Ulan  - Primary Consultants &
        tiple departments prior to purchases being made.        Dan Ensign - Litchfield Elementary School Dis-
        This is a great topic for maintenance, security and     trict & Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team &
        IT folks alike.                                         Jill Barragan -  Paradise  Valley  Unified  School
                                                                District & Kirk Waddle - Saddle Mountain Uni-
        Speak  ers:                                             fied School District
        Speakers: Andy McQueen & Mark Thill -
        ivelah  &  Vince  Scarfo  - Phoenix  Union  High
        School District                                                                                       Page 13
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