Page 15 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 15

                               Breakout Session 3
                                                          t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                              2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
        306: AI isn’t Just for the Teachers and
        306: AI isn’t Just fo   r t he Teachers and
                St udents
        AI isn’t just for Teachers and Students. Learn how
        an AI Large Language Model can transform how
        you access data. Just Ask for data and retrieve
        the information to any device. No more struggles
        with report writing and/or asking for reports, just
        simply ask the data question, and the results will
        be delivered directly to your device. In a secure
        environment  using  your  own  data  only,  AI  can
        help you get the data you need fast and accurate-
        ly. Why let the teachers and students have all the
        fun, let’s use technology to make your life better.
                                                                TRANSPORTATION &
        Speakers: Helene McMurphy - MindShine Tech-             HUMAN RESOURCES
        nologies & Veronica Preciado - Vail School Dis-         308: HR and Transpo      rtatio n: Wo  rking
                                                                308: HR and Transportation: Working
        trict                                                            Together on the Road Less Traveled
                                                                         Together o
                                                                                    n the Road Less Traveled
                                                                This presentation focuses on the pivotal role of
                                                                Human Resources in cultivating strong relation-
                                                                ships with campuses and various departments
                                                                to enhance employee retention and productivity.
                                                                It explores strategic approaches to fostering col-
                                                                laboration and communication between HR and
                                                                interdistrict  units,  emphasizing  the  positive  im-
                                                                pact on employee satisfaction and engagement.
                                                                By highlighting successful case studies and best
                                                                practices, the presentation aims to demonstrate
                                                                how a harmonious interdepartmental relationship
                                                                can contribute significantly to organizational suc-
                                                                cess and overall workforce well-being.

                                                                Speakers: Andrew Chavez & Bert Herzog -
                                                                Speak  ers:
        PURCHASING                                              Tolleson Union High School District
        307: Traveling the Road of Pro
        307: Traveling the Road of Procurement
        This session will be a short presentation on the
        role  of  the  Public  Procurement  Professional,  as
        well as a panel discussion that will provide ideas
        to help promote an increased number of qualified
        candidates for public procurement job openings.

        Speakers: Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High
        School  District  &  Taylor  Perkins  -  CHASSE
        Building Team & Mike Nentwig - Mohave Coop-

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