Page 12 - Spring Conference Brochure 2024
P. 12

Breakout Session 2
                                                          t Se
                                      THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024
                                            12:50 PM - 1:40 PM
        ACCOUNTING                                              MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS
        201: In the Driver’s Seat: Steering Through
        201: In the Driver’s Seat: Steering Through             204: Securing Safe and Sustainable Futures:
                Capital Asset, Disposals, and Transfers
                Capital Asset, Dispo sals, and Transfers                Understanding ASHRAE 241 and How
                                                                        Understanding ASHRAE 241 and Ho
                                                                         Utilize IRA Funding
        Embark on a financial adventure with our pan-                   to Utilize IRA Funding
        el discussion! Forget the conventional highways         Creating safe and healthy learning environments
        of finance; we’re taking you on the scenic route        for students and staff is always top-of-mind for
        less traveled, where capital assets become the          districts across Arizona, which includes upholding
        thrilling  twists  and  turns  of  your  financial  jour-  air quality standards and updating aging infra-
        ney. Buckle up as our expert panelists navigate         structure. Enter ASHRAE Standard 241: the new
        the unexplored territories of disposal strategies       air quality guideline that provides recommenda-
        and asset transfers. We’ll be your financial tour       tions to reduce the risk of disease transmission
        guides,steering you away from the mundane and           through exposure to infectious aerosols in build-
        guiding you through the exhilarating landscapes         ings. By implementing these suggestions, districts
        of fiscal efficiency. Get ready to rev up your finan-   can make significant strides in creating healthier
        cial engines and join us as we explore the winding      and  happier  campuses.  In  addition,  finding  the
        roads  of  innovative  approaches  to  capital  asset   necessary  funding  for  air  quality  enhancement
        management, because when it comes to financ-            or other infrastructure renewal projects can also
        es, it’s time to take the wheel and enjoy the ride!     seem daunting. Fortunately, there are a plethora
                                                                of options and incentives available. One particular
        Speakers:  Jacob  Harmon  -  Maricopa  Unified          funding source, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA),
        School  District  &  Brian  Lockery  -  Kyrene  Ele-    will unlock new avenues for districts to fund sus-
        mentary School District & Michael Vaughn- Li-           tainability and infrastructure renewal programs.
        tchfield Elementary School District                     Join Climatec’s Tyler Girtman as he discusses the
                                                                facts and misconceptions of ASHRAE 241, IRA in-
                                                                centives and other funding approaches that may
                                                                make sense for your district. In addition, Crane
        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                 Elementary School District’s Ozzy Hernandez
                   I really need to
        202: Do
        202: Do I really need to worry about                    will share the District’s experience utilizing these
                                         rry abo
                 Pro p 123?                                     funding sources and how it made all the difference
                 Prop 123?
        In a word – YES!  Proposition 123 was passed by         in reaching their infrastructure renewal goals.
        Arizona voters in May 2016 as part of the pack-
        age to satisfy the school inflation funding litiga-     Speak  ers:
                                                                Speakers: Tyler Girtman - Climatec &
        tion.  The portion of the measure that provides an      Ozzy Hernandez  -  Crane  Elementary  School
        “uptick” in the annual distribution of monies from      District
        the permanent fund to support annual K-12 ex-
        penditures is set to expire at the end of FY 2025.
        This expiration creates a fiscal cliff.  But whose
        fiscal cliff is it?  Does all of Prop 123 expire?  What
        does this mean for annual funding?  What are the
        proposals to extend the uptick distribution? These
        are some of the roads this session will wind down
        to  provide  both  a  historical  and  current  under-
        standing of the Prop 123 situation.

        Speakers: Randie Stein - Stifel &
        Dale Ponder - Crane Elementary School District

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