Page 15 - AASBO EDGE BTS 2023
P. 15

The second, and primary reason, was what I was          from many, including leadership in other
        hoping it would help to illustrate and represent.       affiliates, former and current ASBO International
        To get to the crystal on the inside, one must begin     representatives, and from keynote speakers about
        by chipping away at the surface, and continue to        the awesomeness of  Arizona  ASBO. Directly
        make progress until you reach the beauty and value      from them,  Arizona is the model and standard
        within.                                                 that  others should  be looking to  replicate.  This
                                                                status did not happen by accident, but because
        “When we pool our resources,                            of  Arizona’s willingness to continue to seek
        skills, and passions, we amplify                        innovative solutions and chip away at the outside

        our impact and create a force for                       in search of the value within. This is something
                                                                that all of us can be proud of.
        positive change.”

                                                                As a fellow member of AASBO, I very much look
        To me, that is what AASBO represents. Each year,        forward to the improvements that Russell and the
        since AASBO was officially founded in 1954, we          association will make, as we all continue to chip
        have continued to chip away and chip away, making       away and further highlight the value that rests
        anywhere from large to subtle improvements along        beneath the layers of the rock.
        the way, while standing on the shoulders and
        honoring those who chipped at the rock before us.
        Many of us are eager to give back to the association    Dale Ponder serves as Immediate Past President on the
                                                                AASBO Board of Directors and as the Chief of Finance &
        and find a way to be useful. So, we’re willing to       Operations for Crane Elementary School District in Yuma.
        chip away at it.

        I think that raises the question – will we ever
        get to see the full beauty of the crystal that rests
        inside? As an association, we continue to focus on
        identifying opportunities to improve or develop
        processes, correct misunderstandings, deliver
        enriching professional development, and provide
        strong legislative awareness. Even today, we can
        see a lot of the crystal, as we and those before us
        have done great work to chip at the rock, clearly
        displaying the beauty and value of AASBO. If our
        association maintains the approach of operating in
        the mindset of continuous improvement, I do not
        believe that even our successors will be able to see
        its full and entire beauty. With each generation, so
        long as we continue to progress, the crystal on the
        inside will grow larger and larger, revealing more
        of the magnificence of the crystals within, but do
        not believe that we’ll ever be “finished.”

        Even so, it’s reasonably close though. During
        my  tenure  as  an  officer  of  the  board,  I’ve  heard

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