Page 20 - AASBO EDGE BTS 2023
P. 20


         BY DON HARRIS                                   Mike Barragan  Jeremy Calles
        What to Consider When Comparing Salaries

        with Other Districts

        A compensation study to see how your district  “You’ve got to have a plan,” he continued. “When
        compares  to  others  may  avoid  problems  with  employees hear you’re doing a study, they get
        employees feeling underpaid, but it can be  their hopes up. Then you see the price tag. You
        somewhat tricky.                                        may have to tell the employees the price tag is up
                                                                here and our budget is down here. We can’t close
        Details about what you should know before  the gap now.”
        and after such a study were spelled out by
        Jeremy Calles of Calles Consulting and Interim  Barragan told of the difficulties Glendale
        Superintendent of Tolleson Union School District  Elementary has faced with a 4,000 decrease in
        and consultant (True Professionals, LLC, NGSB,  enrollment during the past 10 years and more
        LLC and Calles Consulting), and Mike Barragan,  losses looking ahead. The challenge of declining
        Assistant Superintendent at Glendale Elementary  enrollment, which means less money, plus the
        School District. In a breakout session earlier this  state’s ever-rising minimum wage caused problems
        year for an audience of chief financial officers and  at the district, Barragan said. “We weren’t doing
        human  resource officials,  Calles  recommended  well making sure we gave competitive wages to
        defining the purpose of the study, the method used  employees,” he added, thanking Calles who helped
        by whoever you hire to conduct it, and how you  HR devise a plan to deliver wage increases.
        can compare your district with others.
                                                                Proposition 206, the minimum wage law, forced
        “Make sure you understand it and relay that to  schools to increase wages for support staff while at
        your people before you go into the study,” Calles  the same time decreasing enrollment left districts
        said. “Set expectations, for you and your partner  with declining resources and closing schools,
        in the study, so you’re prepared when you go into  Calles said. “We had to cut back on raises to
        those meet-and-confer meetings. It’s more than a  others, while explaining the impact to employees
        study – it’s telling a story of your district.”         who didn’t have mandated increases.

         A question to consider is why you feel the need for  Since  Prop.  206  passed  in  2016,  there  has  been
        a comp study. “Maybe some people are unhappy,”  what Calles called a compression of wages,
        Calles said. “You don’t know if your district is  negatively affecting higher-paid professionals.
        disconnected from the market. How did you get  That compression has to stop, he said.
        there and where do you want to go?”
                                                                “You  don’t  know  if  your  district

        Some districts feel good about providing average        is disconnected from the market.
        pay and benefits, while others want to be in the
        top one-third, or perhaps they want to improve in       How did you get there and where
        certain employee categories, Calles said.               do you want to go?”
                                                                                               -Jeremy Calles

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