Page 21 - AASBO EDGE BTS 2023
P. 21

In comparing wages of current staff with other          He recommended making data- driven decisions.
        districts, years of experience can make it              “Some people will say why did they get a raise
        difficult. “Your employees might have 10 years          and  I  didn’t.  If  you  didn’t get large increase,
        of experience, while the neighbor district only         you were closer to your worth than others. Not
        has four years,” Calles said. “That’s not apples        everybody likes that.”
        to apples when experience is different. It’s a key
        variable. It’s important to compare the staring         Calles noted: “We see a lot of teachers making
        base  and  how you  increase  for experience and        more than assistant principals, and we have entry
        education. You need the full picture.”                  level staff making more than their supervisor.
                                                                Think how that plays out.”
        Another issue to consider is performance pay and
        stipends, according to Calles. “Is it a stipend for     Barragan  suggested that  the current system
        performance or is it given to all employee classes?     diminishes the incentive to move up the ladder.
        he said. “Maybe the stipend is for being bilingual.”    “It’s a touchy subject,” he said.
        He explained when using a stipend amount in
        appropriate for salary comparisons.                     “Another difficulty is comparing job titles. For
                                                                example, one district may have a payroll clerk
        Comparing daily rates can be tricky. Some districts     while another has two levels of payroll clerks,”
        have  185  days  while  others  have  200. The  extra   Calles said.
        15 days makes huge difference in the daily rate,
        Calles explained.                                       Another issue to consider if you want to bring
                                                                your wages up to the median level is what other
        Barragan said benefits are also difficult to compare.   districts are doing. “You find out everybody
        He urged AASBO members to get full credit for           increased salaries and you’re down at the bottom
        the insurance benefits their district provides. “It’s   again,” he said. “Consider what the average is
        super important  to  talk about  your  challenges  to   going to be next year – assume what your peers
        your board – the need to attract good, quality staff    are going to do.”
        and the need to retain people you have and address
        needs of incoming staff.”                               Barragan  offered  a  not-too-pleasant  outlook:
                                                                “You might have to close schools.  That’s a
        Calles cautioned about hiring a new employee who        decision our Governing Board made to remain
        gets  paid  more  than  existing  staff.  “That  makes   solvent. I’d rather go up to bat and strike out than
        everybody upset,” he said. “You don’t want that.”       never go up to bat at all.”

        Eventually you need to decide what to do with           Calles, emphasizing the importance of planning,
        results of the salary comp survey.  With limited        said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any
        resources, Calles suggested you might decide to         path will take you there.”
        target one employee group first: “Fully satisfy one
        employee group or partially satisfy all employee
        groups”                                                 Jeremy Calles can be reached at:

                                                                Mike Barragan can be reached at:
        Barragan warned: “No matter who you pick first,
        you’re going to be wrong.”

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