Page 23 - AASBO EDGE BTS 2023
P. 23


                          BY STEPHANIE ARBAUGH
                          Alternative Transportation –

                          What About 11-15 Passenger Vans?
        Stephanie Arbaugh

        As part of the 2022 Arizona legislative session,  Administrative  Code  §§  R13-13-106  through
        Governor Doug Ducey signed legislation that  112. The formal process for certification of this
        allows the use of some non-traditional vehicles  classification of driver will be established by the
        —  including  11  to  15-passenger  vans  —  for  the  Student Transportation Advisory Council.
        transport of students to and from school.
                                                               As an exception, if the bus is painted white and
        The bill took effect on September 24, 2022. The  was put into service before July 1, 2022, it may be
        Department of Public Safety (DPS) has issued a  used for student transport through June 30, 2027,
        substantive policy statement on the new legislation  as long as it meets the other requirements in the
        to help guide district decision-making until final  Arizona minimum standards for school buses. It
        rules can be written. Publication of these rules  must be:
        may take some time, as they must be created in
        consultation with the Student Transportation             • Retrofitted with 8-way overhead flashing lights
        Advisory Council and other stakeholders and                and a stop arm.
        then are subject to a public comment period and          • Annually inspected by DPS, and
        possible revision.
                                                                 • Painted yellow by June 30, 2027.

        Here are a few important highlights from the DPS
        policy statement:                                      Third, a person holding a Class D operator's
                                                               license may not begin to drive 11 to 15-passenger
        First, to be used for student transport to and from    vehicles for student transport until he or she has
        school,  11  to  15-passenger  vehicles  —  referred   met most requirements of a regular school bus
        to as a 925 vehicle type — must meet a variety         driver, including:
        of federal requirements that apply to traditional
        school buses. These relate to seating and crash          • Class D License.
        protection, tires and wheels, vehicle color, etc.        • The  same  classroom  and  behind-the-wheel
                                                                   training that would be required of a CDL bus
        In practice, standard 11 to 15-passenger vans              driver.
        may not be used for student transport, including         • Drug screenings (annual/random).
        for school-sponsored events, until/unless they
                                                                 • Physical performance test.
        are retrofitted to meet existing regulatory
        requirements for school buses.                           • CPR/first aid certification.
                                                                 • Possession of a fingerprint clearance card.
        Second, and similarly, Type A and Type B Multi-
        function  School  Activity  Buses  (MFSABs)  may  However, drivers of these alternative vehicles do
        be  used  for  student  transport  by  a  925-certified  not need a Commercial Class B or C license with
        driver  only if  the  vehicles  comply  with  Arizona  a school bus endorsement.
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 25

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