Page 11 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 11

                                             CPPO, CPPB – VALLEY SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT GROUP
                                             Purchasing of “Like-items”

            Gary Barkman   Bill Munch
                                             and “Non-Like Items”

              We still receive many questions asking how to determine   Barkman states, “Experience has shown me, that if someone
            “like-items” from “non-like items” when analyzing cumulative  is going to a non-awarded vendor for commodity/services,
            purchases below the quote threshold, ($10,000.00).  We would  they’re usually considered “nonlike-items” from the items that
            like to share some analogies to consider that may help District’s  a District would have on contract, otherwise, why wouldn’t the
            simplify the thought process but not without reminding  District purchase them from a contracted vendor?”
            you of our simple disclaimer here: “Nothing in this article is   “   e same can be said for cooperative contracts, (i.e. – If
            meant to be construed as legal advice, but rather best practice  a District makes a purchase from an awarded vendor but the
            recommendations, based upon our experience as procurement   commodity they’re purchasing is not on the contract, it may
            professionals for our respective agencies.” O.K., now that’s out  be considered a “nonlike-item” due to the fact it’s not part of
            of the way, let’s proceed.                             the original cooperative contract.  Again, each District must
              “Remember, each procurement stands on its own and I   determine this for themselves”, says Barkman
            would not encourage anyone to make a determination for   Procurement professionals should proceed with caution,
            “like-items” or “non-like items” without proper and thorough  as  some  determinations  made are  nothing more  than  a
            documentation”, says Barkman.  “   e three most important  “judgement call”.  Although the USFR refers to “like-items and
            things in school district purchasing is documentation,  services” it does NOT de  nitively indicate what constitutes a
            documentation and documentation”, according to Munch.   like-item or service, so each procurement o   cial must make
              One question that repeats itself is this: “When calculating  that determination for their own District.
            the $10,000.00 threshold for “like item” commodities, do you   Here’s what the USFR on page VI-G-11 says:
            include all vendors in your calculation including those that are
            on a contract?”                                                                         CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

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