Page 7 - 2023 Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure
P. 7

11:05 AM - 11:55 AM
           11:05 AM - 11:55 AM
                                                                202: COMMON

  201: MEET DIVERSITY AND                                             PROCUREMENT
           INCLUSION GOALS AND                                        DEFICIENCIES AND

           REPORTING REQUIREMENTS                                     HOW TO PREVENT THEM
                                                                In  this  session  representatives  from  the  Arizona
           PROCUREMENT                                          Auditor  General’s  Office  will  discuss  common

  Diversity,  equity,  and  inclusion  goals  are  on  the      procurement  deficiencies  reported  in  the  school
  mind of many school districts, but one of the most            districts' FY 2021 USFR Compliance Questionnaires
  important  functions  for  driving  these  goals  –           and ways to prevent them.
  Procurement – is often overlooked as a key partner
  in its success.
  What  leading  districts  have  learned  is  that             Presented By: Megan Smith & Paula Gustafson -
  streamlining  purchasing  processes  can  lead  to            Arizona Auditor General's Office
  greater  collaboration,  more  equitable  purchasing
  decisions,  and  a  more  diverse  supplier  base  for
  school districts, and it also enables school districts
  to  capture  data  for  tracking  and  reporting  on
  federal  code  compliance  for  engaging  minority
  business owners.

  Presented By: Monique Harris - Phoenix Elementary
  School District & Bobby Williams II - OpenGov                 204: DEFINING A TRUE

                                                                         PARTNER VS. VENDOR
                                                                Being a vendor encompasses so much more than
  203: COOPERATIVE                                              just  providing  goods  and  services.  In  education,  it

      PURCHASING CHECKLIST                                      truly  does  take  a  village,  and  when  we  have  the
                                                                opportunity  to  be  more  for  our  clients  than  just
  What Should School Districts Be Looking for When              another  vendor.  Defining  and  setting  ourselves

  Reviewing Cooperative Quotes.
                                                                apart doesn't come from what we provide but from
                                                                how we provide it. We can be so much more than
                                                                vendors; our panel will discuss that! Join us to learn
  Presented By: Michael Carter - Mohave Educational
  Services Cooperative, Inc. & Roger Spivey -                   how  to  differentiate  yourself  from  a  vendor  to  a
  Scottsdale Unified School District & Gary Barkman -           true partner and what it takes.

  Mesa Public Schools

                                                                Presented By: Jen Rehse - Sport Surfaces
                                                                 Distributing Inc. & Jerri Lynn Barnes - Pueblo &
                                                                Michele Grimaldi - Tempe Elementary School District
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